Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Pickup Artist Tips for Surviving the COVID-19 Lockdown

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

covid-19 dating
All lockdown and no poon makes us all dull boys. These tips will help you preserve your sanity and health while you wait for your COVID-19 lockdown to end.

Hey guys. I hope you are doing well with the lockdowns in your area and that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy.

Since most of us are unable to head out to the field, I felt it would be inappropriate to write another post on practical field techniques at the moment. It is a good idea to keep reading posts to prepare yourself for when the field reopens. I understand that you may not have the motivation to work on your game at the moment. The truth is, you are not the only one.

I have done this for ten years, and I still love reading and developing techniques. But lately, since I cannot head out, I have little incentive to read about pickup and seduction. This is normal. Why would anyone be motivated to read about techniques they cannot immediately use?

That said, be aware that I am following the situation closely. Once everything starts reopening, I will put out guides on how to get back in the field, dealing with bad momentum (which YOU WILL HAVE, and so will I), as well as strategic ways to get back at it gradually.

I had one of the hardest lockdowns. Where I lived, I could not meet any women! I did not see or talk to a new girl for two months! It’s not because I am not capable of it, but was limited by the COVID-19 crisis laws. My lockdown was so strict that just to buy food, I had to fill out and sign a form. I could only be outside for an hour, a maximum of one kilometer away from my home. Any transgression would result in severe punishment. As you might imagine, it was almost impossible for me to meet girls.

Europe is opening, and most of Asia; good news. But most of our readers are Americans, who are in the middle of the pandemic. My experience from Europe is that you should count two to three months from the start of the outbreak before life begins to resume with some sense of normalcy in your country.

Girls Chase cannot fix the issue. It is not our role, nor do we have the capacity. But hopefully, we can provide entertaining posts and different ways to develop yourself as the pandemic marches forward so you can come out stronger than most other men, which could give you an edge when places reopen.

I can say that Girls Chase will be by your side to speed up and ease the transition back to normal. This is where our real work will begin. I know that Chase is working on some great new products and new lockdown coaching services.

We also have three(!) new writers joining the team:

  • Frankie Bismarck — a normal but cool south European guy who has a solid lay count. He does down-to-earth analysis and has a high focus on day game and social circles.
  • Xander Papatonis — you may know him as Hue. He's an up-and-coming star who will share some great insights.
  • Gunwitch — yes, THE original seduction guru (my first teacher!) will be sharing posts for beginners as well as advanced guys alike (we have not forgotten advanced guys!).

Cool things are coming! I hope this cheers you up.

With that said, I will take some time in this “random” post to share some of my ways of handling the lockdown.

Poor Man's Game or Wealthy Lifestyle Game – Which Is for You?

Varoon Rajah's picture

lifestyle seduction game
Broke lifestyle game is better for getting fast sex, but wealth gives you more options. So, if you have options, which style of game should you run with?

In my last few articles, we covered two very different associations between a guy’s lifestyle and socioeconomic class, and how they affect his success with women.

The first covered poor/broke game, one of the most powerful and quixotic forms of game, used for ages by artists, musicians, bartenders, travelers, nomads, creatives, and adventurers. Poor/broke game is not to be confused with game by deadbeat men — poor/broke game requires fundamentals and attractive behavior.

In a two-part series, we covered wealthy lifestyle game, which is the inverse method. This game style relies on wealth and a clear focus on your mission to draw in women with a vibe of a potential alpha provider. Wealthy lifestyle game is equally powerful to poor/broke game, but it takes a much more effort to maintain, yet nets you access to girls you wouldn’t otherwise get as a broke guy.

If you'd like to check those articles out, here they are:

As you’ve probably figured out in reading those descriptions and articles, going down either path is a long-term choice. Each method requires a distinct lifestyle, vibe, learning curve, and congruence that must fit together. It’s not easy or quick to switch between the two. If this doesn’t make sense, I will explain it shortly.

In this article, we will explore some pros and cons of each game style. I discussed these independently in previous articles, but side-by-side, we will see that one system’s weakness is often the other’s strength. I hope viewing both together will help guide you to which style to pursue!

Tourism Game – The 2 Best Guide Jobs for Hooking Up

Frankie Bismarck's picture

Editor's Note: This is our first post from FRANKIE BISMARCK, a guy who went from socially-awkward high school virgin to popular college man after hitting the gym and befriending the foreign exchange students who threw the best parties. Later, he found a niche in the tourism industry, becoming a guide and cashing in on horny tourist girls. Let's see what he can teach us!

tour guide game
Here are my favorite tour guide jobs for hooking up with hot girls, the pros and cons of each, and how to make the best of the guiding profession – without getting fired!

What is the best type of tour guide job for access to a consistent stream of hot girls?

That would be the pub crawl guide.

Of course, that's not the only tour guide job that can land you hot girls on a regular basis, but it's my absolute favorite!

I've been doing this stuff for several years, and I've learned much in the process. At the moment, the industry is a bit shattered due to the Mexican beer fiasco, but it's bound to make a comeback, and perhaps even experience a boom as destination countries open back up and involuntarily homebound adventurers feel safe to travel again.

For now, I can only reminisce and share some insights with all of you out-of-work or prospective tour guides who'll want to bound right into action when times are better.

Let's talk about my favorite two guide jobs for getting girls, the pros and cons of each, and how to make the best of them – without getting fired in the process!

In this article, I also cover some general aspects of the tour guide game, so treat this as an intro. In the coming weeks, I'll be posting at least a couple more articles with finer details. So stay tuned!

Let's start things off by jumping into my #1 pick.

Inner Game Issues — The REAL Reason You Can't Get Women

Tony Depp's picture

can't get women
Your biggest barrier to attracting women is not what you think it is. If you keep saying “I can’t get laid because I am [blank],” you may need to rewire your inner game.

I’m a firm believer that the art of picking up girls is a gateway drug to true self-development.

Before I found the seduction community, I’d never heard of concepts like the abundance vs. scarcity mindset, limiting beliefs, or social conditioning. It was when I searched the internet for “How to get a girlfriend” that I was introduced to the odd and wonderful world of pickup artistry.

My goal, like most of you, became simple: to become awesome at picking up women. I quickly found there were hundreds of seduction techniques, gurus, and schools to choose from. With experience, I discovered it didn’t matter how many tactics I tried; it was like putting a bandaid on a gaping flesh wound.

My true self was always spilling out — a wounded, insecure, inexperienced, socially frightened boy, drastically distanced from the pinnacle of gleaming, confident excellence I am today.

The women knew I wasn’t there yet. So most of them, while amused at my pickup attempts, just wouldn’t date me. Most wouldn’t even text me back. I was baffled, frustrated, and increasingly depressed by my lack of results.

I asked one girl I was trying to score with, after numerous rejections, “What do I need to do?”

Her reply: “Spend six months meditating with my shaman in India.”

In a way, she was right. It wasn’t until years later that I understood what she really meant.

My inner game was crap.

If She Tells You Not to Wear a Condom, Wear a Condom

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

you don't need to wear a condom
If a woman tells you not to wear a condom, should you listen? Well, no – while going bareback can be fine sometimes, you don't want to do it with girls like this.

Imagine this: you've just brought a girl home from your usual method of seduction.

Perhaps you picked her up at a bar. Or you met her elsewhere then brought her on a date. Maybe you invited her over off a dating app.

Things have gone well, and the two of you are now in bed. She's topless, and you've cleared her final hurdle of last-minute resistance. You peel her jeans and panties off, then rip your pants off.

"You don't need a condom," she tells you. Her genitals are spread open in front of you and you're about to go in.

What's your reaction?

Gonna strap up anyway, or you going in rawhide?

If you're a 'condoms always' guy, that's an easy answer for you, I suppose.

But what if you're a 'condoms sometimes' guy?

How do you know if this girl is one of the 'sometimes'... or not?

Dating App Gurus vs. Pick Up Artists: What's the Difference?

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

dating app gurus
More and more, guys who succeed with women on dating apps are claiming their way is the 'best way.' But do these guys have superior seduction skills – or are they full of hot air?

When I was a seduction neophyte, cutting my teeth on game, everyone agreed: online dating was good for a few easy lays and a little momentum. Nevertheless it wasn't where you wanted to hang your hat.

There were guys then who specialized in it. But the rule of thumb was, the more into online a guy was, and the less 'real world', the more of an introverted, and frequently kind of odd, guy he was. Online was its own unique niche... but nobody went around equating it with pickup. The two were different things.

Online and pickup/seduction overlapped in some ways. But online always only ever covered a subsection of the skills and tool sets a man learned in cold approach pickup.

Recently, however, there's been a sort of ideological schism.

With the normalization of dating apps, the number of men whose lays come mostly or entirely from dating apps has skyrocketed.

And, increasingly, these online dating guys are getting some rather large egos.

Keep Her Interest Piqued with Conversation Thread Slicing

Alek Rolstad's picture

conversation thread slicing
Thread slicing is a conversation technique that keeps women intrigued and invested in a conversation with you. It’s also useful with fractionation and creating anchors.

Hey guys, and welcome back. Today I will share a conversation management technique I use that will add more control over your interactions.

Do you struggle with running out of things to say? Or keeping your conversations fresh and exciting throughout the interaction?

Maybe you have experienced state crash and would love to know another technique to deal with it?

If you answer yes to at least one of those questions, this post is for you.

Today we’ll cover thread slicing (not to be confused with thread cutting). It’s a simple yet efficient technique to use in any interaction, no matter where you are. This technique is not particularly advanced or hard to understand and not difficult to pull off.

This post is suited for beginners and intermediates since they will get the most benefit. However, it may be useful for more advanced players, though they most likely do this technique unconsciously. Becoming aware of what they do correctly may help them fine-tune their skills and use it more often and more consciously.

Wealthy Lifestyle Game: How to Get Laid when You Have Money, Pt. 2

Varoon Rajah's picture

how to get laid when you have money
As a wealthy guy, it’s harder to get fast sex with women because they peg you as a provider rather than a lover. Combat this by disqualifying yourself as a provider!

Welcome to Part 2 of the Art of Wealthy Lifestyle Game! We continue to explore why wealthy lifestyle game can net you some killer results with women, sometimes more than poor/broke game!

In Part 1, we covered these key concepts:

  • Power in authority makes men attractive to women
  • Wealthy lifestylers should raise their standards to benefit from game
  • Flaunt your wealth
  • Host cool events and build your social circle

These ideas are foundational concepts as to why wealthy lifestyle game can work. As you can probably tell, this game style is a little more niche. When thinking about raising your standards, your high-end lifestyle could alienate you from many lower-class women. They may see you as so high value that you’re unattainable (like your Ferrari to their Toyota).

But then, to other women, you’re simply a potential provider. Plenty of women get educations, great careers, and high-paying jobs, plus the lifestyle and high fashion to boot, in the hopes of meeting a guy with this status to lock him down.

As we know well (believe me, I know this ALL TOO well), girls will make you wait, and won’t give in to sex easily when they’ve met their prize. Indeed, once discovered, the wealthy lifestyler is a major prize for many women.

As I said long ago, where poor/broke game excels is in the ability for such guys to be a lover right off the bat and throughout the process. It’s congruent with the lover profile, and girls love the idea of throwaway sex when they’re horny! On the flip side, wealthy lifestylers run a high risk of being slotted into the potential provider category. This can slow them down or make things nearly impossible with girls.

So let's focus on ways to combat the provider frame and find success, despite this restriction.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Behave When Her Arousal Spikes

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

arousal spikeWhen she looks down, smiles, and brushes her hair back, you've spiked arousal.

During the course of every seduction, at certain points a woman's arousal will spike.

She'll go from "This guy's interesting to talk to" to "Wow, I think I like this guy."

At some other next point she'll then go from "I think I like this guy" to "Ohhhh... I want this guy."

You can see these arousal spikes (they get called 'buying temperature spikes' or 'BT spikes' in the seduction community) fairly obviously much of the time. Women will do things like:

  • Droop their eyelids ('bedroom eyes')

  • Smile lasciviously at you

  • Move much closer to you

  • Let out a little moan

  • Blush/flush their cheeks

  • Flash (suddenly raise) their eyebrows at you

  • Begin to touch you on their own

  • Let their lips part and mouth hang open a bit

  • Tilt their heads at you

(incidentally these are all things you can -- and should! -- do yourself as your seductions progress to create the feeling of greater intimacy and escalation)

When you see a few of these signs, it's a pretty clear indicator you're turning her on.

So what do you do when you see them?

Jump all over them?

Point them out?

How to Access Flow State and Advance to Seduction Mastery

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

flow state
Flow state is the miraculous place where everything works and makes you feel like a boss. What does it take to access flow state and make it your long-term ally?

If you’ve been cold approaching long enough, you’ll have heard the term “getting into state,” or perhaps “state control.” If you hang out with new pickup dudes, you’ve probably heard it in a phrase like, “I can’t approach tonight, bro. I’m not in state.”

That’s the beauty of seduction theory. Whenever some new idea comes out, weak men always find a way to use it as an excuse to not take action.

So, what is this mystical “state” we're talking about here?

State is the magical place where everything works. When you’re in “flow,” or “the zone,” you become a demi-god of skill, charisma, and focus. It’s a powerful place to be, not just with pickup but in any activity that requires skill.

The seminal book on state (and one of my all-time favorites) is Flow, The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. I’ll be quoting Mihaly as “MC” for this article, and any mentions of “flow” will refer to his book. The state of being in flow, I will call “state.”