Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

The Habit of Action – How ‘Active’ Men Attract Women

Cody Lyans's picture

By: Cody Lyans

habit of action attracts women
Women love men who step boldly forward in the face of uncertainty. An ‘active’ man can dig deeper into her truth, getting her to reveal more than she does to most men.

Back when I was struggling with women, I had a moment of crisis. I asked myself, “What am I even doing?” I broke down, ready to quit.

I was getting ready to head out one night, and the weight of everything hit me all at once. I had to grit my teeth and face the fact that what I was trying to accomplish might not be possible. I was an ordinary guy, and even ordinary guys have an absolute limit that my goals seemed to be beyond. Thoughts repeated in my head that it was impossible, unrealistic, and hurting me for no reason.

I was shaken, but I finished getting ready, strapped on my belt, tossed on my jacket, stepped into the wind outside, and traveled to the nightlife. I stoically persisted, with no reasoning, no decision, no plan, just one thing (or is it two?): a habit and a deep resolve forged from facing those struggles.

COVID-19 – The End of Dating as We Know It, Part 2

Varoon Rajah's picture

dating after COVID-19
Mass unemployment has led to a rise in sugar dating. And if you can’t pay for sex, past lovers offer relief for guys unable to work their normal game in a pandemic.

Part 1 of this series explored how dating might change after the pandemic. While it is speculative (note: I want to be very clear, this is all speculation), I think there are important recent trends that indicate where society is heading, and how dating will evolve.

To be clear, there will not be a fundamental shift in how attraction and mating works. Game is game, what’s attractive will remain attractive, and what men and women want will stay the same. Women still want great lovers, great sex, great experiences, and great boyfriends. Don’t think that somehow because of the present lull, the mechanics of dating and courtship will never be the same again.

In many ways, I think dating will be the same, but some major trends could influence your opportunities and strategies to meet and date women.

Here’s what we covered in Part 1:

  • The disappearance of office space, and the rise of the work from home culture. Fewer people are commuting, with more on-the-go, flexible schedules, flexible travel, and home-away setups.

  • Potential depopulation, more affordable cities.

  • The decline of business travel.

  • Increasing reliance on online dating. If it’s not your primary method of meeting women in the good times, at minimum, have a functional online dating profile during the bad times.

Now let's cover the impact of COVID-19 and technology on dating. We’ll start with an interesting growing trend in the market: the rise of sugar baby game and sugar dating.

Tactics Tuesdays: What to Do When She Pulls a Switcheroo

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

If you have an agreement with a woman, then time passes, and she wants to renegotiate for yet more favorable terms… what do you do?

A woman writes on Reddit about her relationship:

I’ll try to keep this short... my fiancé and I have been together for 5 years now. I knew very early in the relationship I had no intention of taking his last name. After the first year or so of dating when we talked about the future I mentioned I wouldn't want to take his last name because I like my last name. I’m second generation Italian and my last name reflects that. It’s an important aspect of who I am and my fiancé at the time understood. I said I probably would be fine if any kids we had had his last name and we dropped the conversation since it was so early in the relationship.

Fast forward four years we are obviously much closer to actually having kids then when we had that initial conversation. I mentioned today that I’m not sure I want the kids to just have his last name. I explained that it didn’t seem fair for them to be half genetically mine, and for me to carry them for nine months but for their names only to reflect him. I listed some options other people do, hyphenating the names, using one last name as a middle name, making a new combined last name, etc. To be clear this would only be for the kids I’m not asking him to change his name.

He said this wasn’t fair because he had already “compromised” by saying I could keep my name and that I told him the kids could have his last name so I can’t change my mind. I told him I’ve changed my mind as we have matured and the prospect of kids has become more real (which in my mind seems more fair then holding me to an off hand comment several years ago) but he is still extremely upset and not talking to me.

Now, Reddit, as you might expect, being Reddit, is in full support of this woman.

I'm not really interested in whether she should take your name, or the kids should take her name, or you hyphenate last names, or whatever. The whole situation is frankly a little ridiculous.

Regardless, my interest in this seemingly petty affair is this: what do you if you've already established something in a relationship, and then your woman decides to unilaterally change it?

The guy here was obviously upset. But look how he reacted: he just went off and sulked.

This is not the way you deal with someone attempting to renegotiate previously settled terms.

When a woman wants to pull a switcheroo on you, you don't beg, plead, or sulk.

Instead, if you can't shut it down, or talk it out calmly, you pull a switcheroo right back.

5 Stages of Grief and Ghosting

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

dating ghosting flaking

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”
    —Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning

One of my greatest hurdles with pickup and dating is dealing with the stream of rejections, disappointments, and the emotional crash tied to them.

I’d love to say I don’t care, but that would be a lie. It’s just part of the game and something you can train your mind, body, and soul to deal with. After all, they call it the “Game” because it’s supposed to be fun, right?

For most of us, the trauma of not hooking up with a girl we like, although nothing compared to surviving a Nazi death camp (search the above quote), may feel the same. That is, not to those who aren’t self-aware of their emotional states, psychology, how they function, and why. I call these people “Sleep Walkers” because they walk through life in a dream, blown about by the winds of chance like puppets who can’t see the strings.

Most of my clients come to me because they’ve hit a perceived “rock bottom.” They were dumped, divorced, or rejected, which caused enough emotional trauma for them to wake up and realize that suffering is no solution. The only path out of suffering is awareness and action.

It may take a very long time to awaken, because knowledge may be abrupt, but wisdom is slow. It’s not like striking your thumb with a hammer, where you learn “Damn! That really hurt. Don’t do that again.” You’ll instinctually understand that this activity hurts, but the process of learning the art of a hammer is slow and long.

Emotional pain is the same but lasts even longer. It seems like it’s never our fault. It’s “their” fault, or “its” fault. Taking responsibility for the cause of emotional pain comes slowly. It’s not like a hammer. The pain isn’t abrupt or obvious.

Every emotion you feel is because you allow yourself to feel it — even the pain of rejection. Just like a hammer on your thumb, accidents happen. But you don’t blame the hammer. You learn how to use it better.

Your mind, just like the hammer, is a tool.

In this article, I’m going to show you how your mind works, so the next time you’re flaked on, or ghosted by a girl, you won’t go into a month-long depression. Instead, learn to use your mind, like a baker uses sugar to create a tastier dish than the pie of despair you’ve been feeding yourself.

Don't Tell Women Your Weaknesses

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

tell girlfriend your weaknesses
Sometimes you want to open up to a girl and tell her your fears and weaknesses. But this behavior itself is a weakness – and you should not indulge it.

I have seen a certain behavior since I got into the seduction community that seems to be fairly common.

It is a behavior of men seeking to bond with women by opening up about their weaknesses, foibles, and fears. Or else seeking to use women as de facto therapists.

The end result is rarely what the man hopes for: instead, it hardens the woman on the man, turns her against him, and leads to him (the man) getting hurt.

Every time I see a man do this, my reaction is, "Why would you do that?"

And a lot of the time the man will answer with, "I thought she would care about me," or, "I just wanted to feel accepted," or, "I thought it was safe to open up to her."

Or they will say, "I thought women liked vulnerability."

It is true, women do like vulnerability. However, they like strong vulnerability.

They despise weakness.

Women are not cruel by default. But they very often are cruel to men they view as weak. This is an important principle to understand: women are kind to strong men, and cruel to weak men. This is because women adore strong men, and women despise weak men.

Even women with good hearts. Even women who do not want to hurt anyone. If you show weakness (not vulnerability, but weakness) to a woman, she is going to feel the emotion of disgust. She may be self-aware enough to resist this emotion, and recognize an injured soul and tell herself to feel compassion for you, but she is still going to be disgusted nevertheless.

You must not go around showing or flaunting weaknesses to women.

Especially not women you want to sleep with or have any kind of ongoing relationship with.

How Your Seductive Habits Make Women Drop Their Bitch Shields

Cody Lyans's picture

By: Cody Lyans

get past her bitch shield
Sensual habits get women to open up more authentically with you. If you can show you’re a cool guy she can trust with her own sensuality, she'll drop her shields.

Today we’ll discuss seductive habits and how they can help you with women.

A seductive habit is a small action or motion you repeat that gives you flavor for a girl. Much like a raw piece of meat can be made tastier by marinating it in spices, good seductive habits run deep in your behaviors, making your more exciting.

Instead of a woman saying, “Oh, it’s the same-old-same-old, I don’t need it, thanks,” it makes a woman say, “My God! How did you make this taste so good!”

Why Dating Apps Suck

Alek Rolstad's picture

online dating apps
Dating apps are inferior to meeting girls in person, because they are severely limiting in regards to the seductive tools normally at your disposal.

Hey there. Today I want to discuss online game and dating apps like Tinder.

At the time of this post, the world is still under lockdown from the pandemic. Dating apps are perceived as the go-to way to meet women. We are changing and reinventing ways to be social. Last week, I shared my perspective on this. The conventional way of “rethinking” our social activities is through digitalization, and dating apps have become the new norm.

But who is vouching for these apps? The media, the health authorities, and others with little to no expertise on dating and seduction. So I felt the need to write this post, since I know many of you are following the current recommendations with using dating apps. I think a perspective from a Girls Chase coach would be a useful contribution, because, after all, we care about your results. Though we will keep your security in mind, it is your responsibility to watch out for your health as well as others.

Many points I’ll make will be valid in the future. I will begin by sharing my overall reservations with dating apps, then make a few notes regarding COVID-19 and dating apps in my next post.

COVID-19 – The End of Dating as We Know It, Part 1

Varoon Rajah's picture

By: Varoon Rajah

dating after COVID-19
COVID-19 has already shown us a glimpse into an odd future: the rise of the home office and social distancing, etc. How will these shifts impact dating in the long term?

This article is purely speculative. We might look back on this in two or three years and laugh at some of these predictions, or some other Girls Chase authors will flame me. But when The Jetsons came out, we laughed at some of the predictions they imagined that are now commonplace. To get your critical brain thinking a bit, let’s look at some impacts of COVID-19.

Some pundits, news reporters, media outlets, and sources of influence are labeling COVID-19 as a quick, passing moment in time, after which everything returns to normal once a vaccine is developed. Others predict permanent social distancing measures, indefinite isolation, and a host of other lasting changes to our society.

I’m not this extreme on either end, but I think this moment in history is starting the path of some significant long-term shifts. In some ways, it’s too soon to predict exactly what will happen next, but there are some indicators we can accurately assess to draw some conclusions. I think it’s bound to affect how some parts of dating will work for the next decade or so.

Fundamentally, women never will change, and game will always be game. So, let’s speculate on the ways you may be meeting girls in the future.

Should You Flake on Her First? Well, There Are 5 Pros and 3 Cons

Chase Amante's picture
flake on her first
It's an old tactic, but you may not have tried it. Should you flake on your date first… before she flakes on you? There are 5 good reasons to… yet 3 cons to keep in mind.

There's an old flake-reduction tactic I first learned about 14 years ago.

The tactic is simple: you flake on her first.

This guy who told me about it mentioned he'd flaked first on his last six dates. Then he rescheduled his meets with them. Each of the six jumped into bed with him on Date #1. None of his dates flaked on him back.

He was still testing it out, he said, and couldn't confirm it was an always-reliable technique... but the early signs looked promising.

I filed that away mentally as an interesting anecdote, but not something I was bold enough to try at the time. At the time, I was only just starting out. I still needed to worry about getting dates in the first place... I was not in a place to start flaking on those dates.

1.5 years and a fair bit of romantic progress later, I had a date with a very attractive girl. However, I also had a lot of things going on. And I forgot the date. I was at a trendy upscale nightclub with a friend, and in the midst of talking to new girls, forgot I had one I was supposed to meet up with that night already.

Well, my date messaged. I saw the message, realized I'd forgotten the date, and told her I wasn't coming. Then she called. I had to awkwardly apologize and tell her I'd forgotten I'd promised my friend we'd hang out.

"So... you're not coming?" she asked again.

"Yeah... I'm sorry, I can't tonight," I said.

"... okay," she said.

I apologized again, and hung up. I felt really bad.

The next day I texted her, apologized again, and offered to reschedule. She accepted.

A few days later I met up with her. She was more or less ready to go already when I arrived. We had a few drinks at the bar, she was super flirtatious, then I pulled her. Two hours into the date I shagged her. We went a few rounds, and she was super sweet to me after.

I was... surprised how it played out, to say the least. "I thought she'd want nothing to do with me after I forgot our date," I thought.

Then I remembered that instructor's experiments 1.5 years earlier. 'Flake on her first' had worked for me, just as it had for him. And I definitely wasn't advanced at that point yet, either.

Maybe it wasn't such a challenging tactic to pull off, after all.

Tourism Game – How to Get Laid as a 'Free Tour' Guide

Frankie Bismarck's picture

tour guide game
Last week we covered the 2 best guide jobs for getting laid. Now let's dig deeper into how to capitalize on the 'free tour' guide niche, even if you’re NOT the guide.

Last week we looked at the two best guide jobs for all you horny dudes in the industry. As a guide, you have access to multiple short romantic affairs with hot tourist girls.

We went over the process from meet-to-lay with girls in the #1 certified best job for consistent one-night stands with these girls: guiding pub crawls.

This week, we will focus on getting laid from the #2 best job: guiding free tours.