Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Good Game Means Communicating like a Hot Girl, Part 1

Varoon Rajah's picture

sexy communication
Women respond to emotions better than logic, and when it comes to attraction and sex, logic just gets in the way. The solution: learn to communicate like a hot chick!

As a guy grows on his journey to seduction mastery, he inevitably comes to realize that much of “good game” entails learning to behave and think like a hot girl.

To curtail any confusion about the focus of this article series, I want to make it clear that women are attracted to men because men are men. This will never change. By “behaving like a hot girl,” I’m not saying you should adopt the personality or mannerisms of a hot girl.

The points in this series are separate from the idea that effeminate men have great success with women. Those guys are indeed deadly seducers; many pros are super masculine but have a strong feminine façade. Consider, for example, guys like Prince and Russell Brand, along with many musicians, rappers, and actors. Our very own Alek Rolstad enjoys great success having a somewhat effeminate persona.

So if you’re specifically wondering how to be attractive to women as an effeminate man, here’s the article you’re looking for:

On the other end of the spectrum, you have predominantly masculine characters like James Bond. Sure, these guys are super attractive physically, but what is it about their seductive prowess that puts them over the top?

The answer is similar to that which makes effeminate men so deadly: a deep understanding of hot women and how they communicate.

These guys, whether they are super masculine or effeminate, can communicate on a level most guys are oblivious to. So that’s what we’ll cover in this article series: the communication and social behaviors used by hot girls, and how understanding these behaviors and incorporating them into your masculine presence can raise your seduction prowess to 007 levels.

In Part 1, we’ll look at the elements of each behavior or quality to help manage a girl’s social frame. And in Part 2, we’ll discuss how to do this while maintaining your masculine edge, allowing you to connect to a woman’s biological core and spark intense attraction.

Let’s get started, shall we?

15 Scientific Ways to Be Extremely Charming

Tony Depp's picture

be charming
To get ahead in this world and avoid condemnation; to attract a good mate and less humiliation, be charming. It’s easy, and you can start by reading this article. ;p

Would you like to be charming as, say, Tyrion from Game of Thrones, or Barrack Obama? Yeah, you would.

How about no more rejections from hot girls, no more waiting in lines for bread and Vodka rations? (I’m in Post-Soviet-Bloc Bulgaria at the moment.)

That’s right. Today I’m going to teach you how to be charming.

What exactly is charm, anyway? Are you just born with it, genetically gifted, like me? Or can you learn to be charming?

Yes, you can learn.

What is charm?

  1. A trait that fascinates, allures, or delights

  2. A physical grace

  3. Compelling attractiveness

It’s also considered a magic incantation, or an item believed to contain luck-bringing qualities.

To be a “charming” person means you’re pleasant, valuable to be around, and possibly magical.


What's the Endgame for a Playboy?

Chase Amante's picture
playboy endgame
You won't stay young, wild, and energetic forever. So what happens to the old playboy when age catches up to him? Does he just fade away?

Under my article "Male vs. Female Mating Motivations Laid Bare", a reader comments:

hard question to ask, but it just seems having children or getting married is a no win situation, if she wants to she can put you on child support or divorce you when she feels like it. with that being said is there a way to have kids and not be put on child support? is there a way to not have kids as an older man and not get looked at as weird? I'm actually really interested in the not paying child support part. what's your plan for yourself Chase logically with this stuff? do you plan to have kids and get married? or just have kids? I liked to know your process of what you think older you would do with women.

I feel like making an "Old players never die, they just..." joke, but can't think of a good one.

"They just NEXT away"?

Nah, too obscure.

Well, anyway. The "what's the endgame?" question is a valid one for the modern playboy.

I'm going to skip the child support one, because, well, it's not realistic for most guys. Children are costly, and someone has to pay for them. Women usually can't pay for them themselves (some rich women excepted, but there's problems with targeting rich women to sire offspring with, then peace out, that I won't go into here). If the father won't/can't pay, the burden then falls to society, simply so the child doesn't die or end up scrounging for scraps on the street like what you see in less developed countries. So most societies have laws mandating fathers pay for their own children, to avoid having it come out of everyone else's pockets. There's no way to get around that in most developed societies without just being a straight-up dead-beat dad who knocks chicks up then runs away and hides so they can't collect child support, then runs away and hides again if he's found and hit with back child support payments. Which I guess you could do, but it's trash behavior, and you're hopefully on this site to learn how to improve your life, rather than lead a trashier one.

The child support question aside, that "what's the endgame?" question, now that's an interesting question.

Because, well... it isn't clear what the endgame for most men IS any longer.

The Cuck Frame Pickup Gambit: "Watch Me Bang Another Chick!"

Alek Rolstad's picture

pickup seduction technique
Here’s a spicy pickup technique I’ve had lots of success with. It makes you seem sexually experienced and high value while sparking intrigue and jealousy!

Hey guys, and welcome back. Today I will share with you a savage pickup technique. Yes! It works crazy well, and it sets useful frames that speed up the process.

It’s a deadly technique that has given me tons of lays. To many, it may seem quite reckless and risky, and I can see why. However, my success rate using it has been very high. When it hasn’t worked, it hasn’t led to any rejections or bad vibes.

So, I consider it rather safe with predominantly positive returns. But there are potential caveats, and I will cover those.

This post is recommended for intermediate to advanced users as it will require the following to pull it off properly:

This technique is generally for night game, although you are always welcome to find other applications.

How to Set Aside Time to Learn Game and Master Seduction

Varoon Rajah's picture

get good with women
To accelerate the process of developing your game and skills with women, momentum is key. You get that by dedicating time and staying focused on the right things.

To get good at the seduction game requires time, and a lot of it. The results of your efforts are well worth it in the long run, but the journey can be a struggle for most men. Take my word for it.

Seven years into learning game, and just a few weeks away from being in the triple digits of partners, I still feel like an intermediate when it comes to game and women. There’s so much to learn to become really good. A great way to streamline your journey with women is to set aside the appropriate amount of time to learn and practice game.

Guys sometimes only focus on learning game from a textbook before applying dedicated time to go out. Or they might practice in a piecemeal fashion, sporadically going out and approaching women when it’s super convenient. I’ve used both methods in my journey. I attest that there is a third, far superior means of hustling to learn how to game. The best method is to dedicate specific, regular, and frequent blocks of time to the art.

As with learning or building anything of value, developing skills requires dedication. For women and game, you’ll realize the benefits after dedicating chunks of time to learning and practice. Think of it like going to the gym. While you might feel good (and sore) for a day or two after your first workout, you’ll feel significant results after four days in a row. Then, if you go to the gym four days in a row for eight weeks, you’ll visually see and physically feel the results of your actions.

How to Attract Women (the Same Way Women Attract Men)

Chase Amante's picture
how to attract women

A few hours ago as I walked down a city street, a woman stepped out in front of me.

Her face and body were ordinary. But she triggered an involuntary response in me. My heart rate quickened. I felt excitement. I wanted to talk to this girl, and meet her.

I didn't talk to her. She finished crossing the sidewalk and entered the car waiting for her, with someone I guessed was a boyfriend.

And, truth be told, she wasn't really my type. Like I said, pretty average face and body.

Had I met her somewhere else though, I'd have likely talked to her and, if she bit, pursued her. Her walk was quick, confident, sexy. Her hair was a clear bottle blonde, and she'd clearly used a curler to add some wave. Her nose was too big, but her eyelashes were long and luxurious, and her lips were bright red, so I didn't stay focused on her nose long.

Her breasts were pert; though I've been with girls with breasts like hers where you take the girl's clothes off and discover those breasts are 90% bra. Her stomach was flat and her legs looked strong, so that was real, though there wasn't much to her butt. Even still, in her form-fitting yoga clothes, she looked good.

I passed through the perfume wake she trailed behind her as I continued my way down the street, and when I inhaled her sent my pulse quickened a second time.

And I thought to myself "That girl is far more ordinary, in her face and body, than plenty of more beautiful women I've seen already today. Yet, she excited me in a way none of those girls did."

What worked for her will work for you as well.

Because the secret of how to attract women is the same for men as what women use to have that effect on men.

And just like women like that can attract you and me with certain irresistible attraction signals (even if we know how they're doing it), you and I can do the same to women, too.

The Basics of Turning Dates into Sex

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

how to turn date into sex
You wanted to bring her home and have sex with her, but you ended up having another platonic date with no action. Why? It’s because these elements were lacking.

Ever worry so much about your approach anxiety or what to say that when you actually land a date, you have no clue how to turn it into sex?

It’s super common. Usually, you’re waiting for a sign that she’s attracted, a special laugh, compliment, or a submissive, coy gesture. And when it never materializes, you think “Oh, maybe she’s not that into me. I better not be creepy. I better take this slow.”

Of course, this means you go on three dates and never have sex. Lose-lose.

Want to know if she’s down? Assume that ALL WOMEN ARE INTO YOU. They just don’t know it yet.

The reason you fail to close dates? You fear mistakes. What if you say something “weird” or try to touch her, and she freaks out? But you know what? It’s either you take those risks or stay in the friend zone.

When you meet girls from day game, you’ll probably have to go on at least one date. Same-day lays don’t happen very often for most guys. And for most men, you won’t get laid even on the first or second date. By the third or fourth date, you’re solidly slotted as a “friend.”

If you want to get laid fast from a date, you need an effective plan and the right mindset.

In this article, I’ll teach you a basic guideline on how to take a date home and bang her silly.

Women Will Teach You About Women – And Yourself (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Their wisdom is unmatched.

Their truth is unmarred.

Their virtue, unassailable.

Okay, not really. Women aren’t perfect or any more magical than men are (though sometimes I swear they are angels), but women can teach you a LOT about, well, women. And yourself.

Sometimes it’s not their words, but their actions. But sometimes, yes, their words are also truthful (well, mostly...).

I will teach you the art of LEARNING from women. I have known no greater teacher during my journey through the land of women.

Papi Gnome will explain...

The Tequila Gambit: Get Her Isolated with You

Alek Rolstad's picture

seduction gambit tequila
Here’s a great seduction gambit based on anti-climaxes and creating intrigue. This one is designed specifically to get her isolated with you. Tequila!

Hey, guys! It’s time to share another gambit that is part of the seduction stack I currently use in the field.

Previously, we discussed how to use anti-climaxes to stimulate her and be intriguing while also setting a sexual frame. Today we will still use anti-climaxes to build intrigue and stimulate her, but we will also introduce a tool to generate a high note that can allow you to isolate her in a smooth way.

Isolation is the subject for today. This post will give you another tool to isolate women!

Let's begin with a discussion about why it's so important to isolate your girl.

Giving Women Permission Society Doesn't

Chase Amante's picture

give woman permissionWe've talked on Girls Chase before about the importance of giving women permission to desire you. Which might almost sound silly at first... she's a strong adult woman, she doesn't need a man's permission to desire him! Right?

But there are all kinds of rules women feel socially obliged to follow.

Most of these rules are unspoken... the unconscious rules of the social contract.

All a society is is rules and trust. People agree on (often unspoken) rules, and trust each other to follow and uphold the rules, and trust the society itself to be a fair one, based on these broadly understood but largely unspoken rules. During times of social upheaval, you actually get large numbers of people in violation of the unspoken rules, which leads to an erosion of trust in the society, and a schizophrenic society. If you're interested in the big picture, you can read my article on how the violation of long-standing intersexual rules has led to a collapse of trust between the sexes in the West. But this article is not about that.

What this article is about is the individual man and woman.

Namely, you, and a woman you like.

She's with you, she feels like there are things she 'has to' do, and other things she 'has to not do', and you want to shake her free of these constraints so she will join you on your exploits.

How do you break her free?