Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Tactics Tuesdays: Re-Seductions to Convert Your Fast Lays

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

re-seduction for fast lays
If you sleep with her too quick, the odds she sees you again go down. Want to raise them up? Re-seduce her once she's dressed and on her way out before you let her go.

If you do fast pickups, where you're sleeping with women very soon after meeting them, you'll run into a certain issue. It won't be much of an issue until you want to hang onto a woman. Then you have one you decide you'd like to see again, and up it pops.

The issue is that no matter how great a guy you are, when you are shagging women very fast, by default a lot of women may not want to see you again.

A woman may feel guilty about having slept with you so fast: "I'm not like that, I don't know why I had sex with him so quick," and this can make her not want to see you again.

Or maybe she enjoyed it, but she completely writes you off as a random sexy rogue (fuckboy) and has no desire to see you further.

None of this is an issue when a one-night stand is all you're worried about.

But it becomes an issue when you lay a girl you'd like to keep, then can't get her back out again.

However, there is one unique little tactic I've devised over the years that dramatically boosts your ability to convert a fast-lay into a girl who'll come to see you again.

Before I tell you about it, you should understand a few things about how people make decisions, first (and actually, I am going to give you a bonus tactic too... so really it's two tactics here).

Do Girls Just Blow You Off When You Try to Approach?

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

girls just blow me off when I approach
When some guys start cold-approaching girls, they go through a stage of “girls just blow me off.” Let’s explore why that’s happening and the brain hacks needed to fix it.

On the Girls Chase forums, a user posted about his struggles with day game, a common issue for newbies. I’ll break it down into chunks so that you can learn the art of day game along with him.

So, if women are blowing you off before you even have a chance to get anywhere, thank Merchant's-Kin for bringing up the topic!

Here's the first part of Merchant's-Kin's post:

“Been struggling quite a bit with street game, because I can’t even stop a girl consistently while keeping without my heart racing, etc. (that’s where I’m at). There isn’t even an opportunity to test openers because I can’t stop girls consistently. They just blow me off.”

This is the beginning stage of learning cold approach: overcoming approach anxiety. It’s also the point where most men quit, right at the starting line.


Why Are 21st Century Men So Apathetic and Unmotivated?

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

what motivates a man
Men of today have lost their motivation to build, fight, work, or get women. What's behind their lethargy, and how can you overcome this in yourself?

We live in a distinctly unmotivated time.

During the settling of the American continent, European settlers burst through with boundless energy. They founded towns, warred with the natives, pushed into hostile and unfamiliar lands, and carved paths through a frontier in search of unknown fortunes.

In the American West, frontier towns brimmed with ambitious men who eschewed the comforts of civilized life, like fine clothes, fine food, or women -- some towns at some points had male-female ratios as stark as 754-to-1. Before the Gold Rush of 1849, California's population was 90% male.

Yet, this bothered the men little, for they were there to find wealth, greatness, or just to build or find something new.

Men of this age didn't need help with women. They found wives readily enough (when they returned to civilization -- or imported them from back home), and those wives didn't divorce them (and only infrequently ran off with other men).

Men of this age didn't lose themselves into aimless pastimes, comfort, and luxury the way men of later ages did either. Most led hard lives, with simple food, simple living, hard work, and simple pleasures.

Yet travel 150 years into the future, and their inheritors are an opposite picture.

American men today sit about all day, riding around in automobiles, their faces glued to screens, their testosterone levels crashed (17% down just from 1987 to 2004 alone), over 50% of the American population non-working (population: 329,227,746 citizens + ~12,000,000+ legal and illegal aliens; jobs: 137,802,000; total U.S. employment: <40.4%). Compare that to the Pioneer Age, when women and children worked all day (on the farm, on the ranch, at the market, making textiles, or in various other occupations)! Many Americans are disinterested in the work available (I have seen numerous men in trades talk about offering jobs or apprenticeships to unemployed younger men and having those younger men turn them down), while many have little thought to the future (1 in 6 older people plan to spend all their children's inheritance).

This apathy extends to all kinds of things, and is on the rise. When I got into the seduction space, most guys weren't that interested in pickup because they occasionally got laid or found girlfriends from their social circles (and that was enough for them).

Today, even fewer men are interested in seduction, yet for different reasons. Rather than it being because they got laid in other ways, a lot of men aren't having sex at all, and are completely apathetic about doing anything to change that situation.

young men no sex
The percentage of men not having sex is shooting skyward.

There's less interest in pickup.

young men no sex
Interest in getting women is down to about 40% of what it was when I founded Girls Chase.

There's less interest in nightlife.

young men no sex
It's been worsening yearly. As of a few years ago, each month only 334 bars opened while 609 bars closed (source).

Men are dating in their social circles much less, and every man is on Tinder, where most women aren't.

what motivates a man
Tinder: the ultimate sausage fest. Worse than any nightclub! Source: Statista

More and more men aren't working, more and more men aren't getting laid, more and more men aren't doing anything other than to sit around with their time, watching their jobs disappear, their women walk by, and their histories vanish, and instead of doing anything to change any of that, more and more men just hang around, observe, and complain.

What's happened to men in the 21st Century, and how did they become so dull?

Should Guys Still Worry About Anti-Slut Defense?

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

anti-slut defense
Times have changed in regards to sexual liberalism among women. Particularly, anti-slut defense is becoming less prevalent. But should we stop using ASD-busters?

I initially planned to keep up with my COVID-19 related posts. However, I received a fascinating response from a reader about my first article on dating apps (where I share my perspective that I do not like them).

The question was posed by user doncgiovanni:


In this article, you said anti-slut defense is ALMOST a thing of the past. I read a couple of your articles on sex talk and gambits. The crucial part of them always seems to be framing women as not sluts, rather expressing their sexuality.

Do you find this not so necessary anymore? I’m finding more and more girls in alternative circles just owning their “slutness” and not giving a damn... which is great :)

Do you think it’s cool to just skip this part with some girls/most girls? How do you go about it?

By the way, love your articles, contributions to this scene.”


Women often resist sexual approaches so they are not perceived as sluts or “easy” in their peers' and friends’ eyes, and the eyes of potential lovers. And many men dislike “easy women” for various reasons. So a defense mechanism occurs that makes women turn down sexual moves, and act more asexual than they really are. It’s as if they were “hiding” their sexuality.

Society has traditionally controlled and suppressed female sexuality for centuries. To understand why, review my earlier article on anti-slut defense (ASD).

In today’s Western world (this may be different in non-Western countries), women seem looser around sexuality because of cultural changes. Pop music, political discourse, and youth culture all motivate sexual behavior.

Dealing with ASD (removing her barriers about being sexual with a guy) and making her comfortable being sexual with you is a major part of the game. It’s usually done by:

Our reader is asking a good, straightforward question. If ASD is diminishing — if not disappearing from Western female minds — then why still worry about it? Why would I still advocate using ASD-busting techniques, like communicating sexually liberal ideals and low-keyness?

There are multiple reasons.

Tourism Game – From Getting Her Number to Taking Her Home

Frankie Bismarck's picture

tour guide game
In our continuing series on tour guide game, we cover how to handle things between the time you get her number and set up a meet to the time you bring her home.

Hello, and welcome back!

Last week we looked at how to become a free tour guide that girls want to sleep with.

These include:

Then we discussed how to spot a horny girl who may be unconsciously attracted to you during your tour. We went over how to approach a girl on a tour. Finally, we saw how to number close her and how soon you should meet her after the tour to increase the odds that she will sleep with you.

Our Burden as Men to Be Strong

Varoon Rajah's picture

By: Varoon Rajah

burden as men to be strong
We typically advise against men opening up about their weaknesses to women they date. But won’t showing a little insecurity strengthen a relationship? No, and here’s why.

As a follow up to my article on the right and wrong ways to be vulnerable, a reader was curious why it’s important not to be vulnerable about certain things in your own life when dealing with women.

The anonymous reader commented on vulnerability below:

“So the thesis of the article is that it’s best not to be vulnerable unless it’s occasional and share something that you can easily attribute to something external? I wouldn’t be able to talk about what a struggle my adolescent life is because of depression? Or how my Asian parents did a poor job raising me, and it led to me having low self-esteem? We really can’t share our past traumas under any circumstance without losing our women? We have to pretend like everything is okay, and we never had any struggle in our lives past or current even if that’s not the case? What if you just make it seem like it was in the past, but you’re a different man now, and the only reason you’re actually telling her is because it feels good to share it with someone else instead of keeping it bottled in? I feel like men constantly have to do a lot of posturing just for the sake of attracting and keeping women interested in them whereas women don’t really have that concern.”

On the boards the other day, I read two similar comments about how unfair and inferior it is to be a male in today’s society.

The first comment:

“Women date up. Men date down. Men have to fear that their penis doesn’t [measure] up. Women can be relatively skinny and have unlimited abundance with[out] having to work for it. Men have to work to be providers. Women have so many options that they can choose and compare between looks, social status, wealth, dick size, confidence, and alpha male [status]. Women only seem to compete for looks, sometimes status, and only provide pussy. Being feminine does not seem to add any additional value to our lives. Yet we have to compete on various levels of value just to be good enough. Social media and Tinder has made 5/10s with unlimited abundance.”


And the second comment:

“Men are expected to give women pleasure, strength, attention, validation, and security to prevent them from cheating, etc. Yet, women basically give nothing in return besides pussy. That is what bothers me the most. Not only do women reap more rewards in the sexual marketplace, they don’t even have to try as much.”

Is this really how it works?

In this article, I want to dive in further and discuss what this means. I’ll clarify and expand on my response to the comments about the article.

10 Motivation Tools to Boost Your Dating Skills

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

motivation dating skills
It’s hard to find the motivation to go out and get rejected, but that’s what it takes to be successful in dating. These tools will give you a more positive outlook.

It’s so obvious, it’s cliché, but to find success with women, to develop skill with cold-approach pickup, you need to interact with a lot of women.

I don’t mean going to happy hour once a week, opening once and going home. To even land a coffee date with an above-average-looking girl means interacting with dozens of them. Perhaps up to a hundred, if you really suck at it.

For a newbie, this can be like someone who’s never done a chin-up being told you have to free-climb Mount Everest in nothing but a Batman cape.

For the intermediate guy, it may feel like you’ve been climbing this mountain forever. Whenever the top feels close, you gaze up to an eternal stretch of snow and rock. You’ve been trying forever. When will you finally arrive?

Framing: "I Hope" vs. "I Know"

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

hope vs know
Do you seek approval? Is your behavior tentative or uncertain… or is it clear to women that you are confident – that you just KNOW what you are and what your value is?

Sometime back, I wrote an article on giving girls oral sex (i.e., cunnilingus).

In it, I gave a tip of maintaining eye contact through the session if you want to ratchet up the intensity.

A reader writing in the comment section commented that his girl "hates it, finds it incredibly feminine." He adds that women in pornography "stare up at the guy while giving him a blow job, seeking approval." Then says that his woman doesn't want that.

It took me a moment to wrap my head around where this guy was coming from at first. Yet, then, I realized where that was.

With almost anything you can do, there are different ways of framing a thing, both internally (in your head) and externally (the way you present it).

In this case, here was me framing a thing one way. Then this reader came along and framed it another way.

This difference in framing gets picked up on by the woman herself.

Mirror Neurons in Seduction – The Foundation of Everything I Teach

Allen Reyes's picture

By: Allen Reyes

mirror neurons in seduction
Hi, I’m Gunwitch. I’ve been doing pickup and seduction for decades, and the first thing I hammer into my students’ minds is the importance of mirror neurons.

Some of you may not have heard of me, as this is my first article on Girls Chase.

Some of you might be deep, long-time followers of mine.

Some of you might recognize my name from being referenced or credited by other Girls Chase writers.

Some of you may recognize my alias, Gunwitch, from the seduction community – all the way back to the days of MASF.

Gunwitch as in “Gunwitch Method.” That Gunwitch.

You might remember my method mentioned by Neil Strauss in The Game, his book about pickup artists. He sums up my method as “His crude motto: make the ho say no.”

There’s far more to what I teach, of course. That motto came from a joke I made about not ejecting too fast out of approaches (as most guys do before they start learning, but more on that another time).

In this article, I want to delve into the foundation of everything I teach, the mortar that binds it all together, as a primer for what you'll need to understand before my more advanced techniques can work their full magic.

I’ll break the foundation down into my easy-to-remember acronym, S.E.C.T.

COVID-19 Has Not Made Dating Apps Better

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

dating apps during COVID-19 pandemic
For getting laid during a pandemic, you’d think dating apps would be the obvious solution, but sadly that’s not the case. In fact, they suck now more than ever.

Hey guys, and welcome back.

Last week I wrote an article about why dating apps suck in general. I shared my skepticism. I believe it is an inferior type of game in every way, and it is the least efficient method of dating.

As I am writing this, the world is still facing the COVID-19 pandemic. Many places are experiencing a full or partial lockdown. The field is not what it used to be, if accessible at all.

During these challenging times, online game, including dating apps and websites, are not the first thing that comes to mind. But they are indirectly recommended by health authorities. Dating apps and dating websites are supposed to be our new way to meet women.

After all, it makes sense. You are not allowed to mingle in big groups, or to go to bars and clubs. If you are, it is usually not recommended, and there are limits due to social distancing policies.

So I get it. Dating apps are supposed to save us.

Despite hating dating apps, I saw them as a potential solution. At first. So, I gave it a shot. At least I had to try.

The results? You’d expect EVERYONE, including girls, to be active on dating apps and be eager to meet a cool guy like you or me. But the truth is, this was as far from reality as it could be.

I was never the type who was big on apps like Tinder. I did get many matches during a period last year when I was experimenting with dating apps. However, these days my results have been lower than usual, almost nonexistent.

I get very few matches. Perhaps 1 in 100 swipes. That’s quite a crappy ratio, especially when you have professionally taken photos and happen to not be ugly.

So what did I see?

  1. Many prostitutes

  2. Many girls stating that they were not answering on Tinder, but that you could add them on Instagram (for attention)

  3. All sorts of girls from across the globe (this BS called Tinder Passport, even if deactivated, you still receive responses from girls from other countries)

Let’s break down these three cases. Then I’ll share my theories on WHY dating apps suck EVEN more during the pandemic, and why you should spend your energy on other options instead.

It hurts me to admit that I’m not giving you clear solutions on how to seduce during the pandemic. However, I may save you some time, energy, and emotions to find solutions that work so you can spend your time on productive activities that are not seduction-related, but beneficial to your development.

Side note: I’m currently experimenting with new solutions on how to meet girls during the pandemic. I need more data before I share, but expect my upcoming posts to cover some solutions.

Without having clear solutions yet, things are progressing well. So stay optimistic!