Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

How to Stop a Woman from Doing Forbidden Things

Chase Amante's picture
stop a woman doing thingsThere are some things you just don’t want to let a girlfriend or wife do. Depending on how bad what she wants to do is, however, you’ll need to do that in different ways.

Sometimes even the most wonderful girl will try to do things you don’t want her to do.

What you do then – and how you handle that – is what this article is for.

After all, you can’t just stand by and do nothing while a woman runs slipshod over your relationship rules. Neither can you keep her caged and in chains. You’re probably not going to have her chaperoned everywhere.

You need means to effectively put a stop to bad behavior and rule-flouting by a woman partner – and those means will depend on the severity of the upcoming (or already committed) infraction.

Mind Your Dating Pool

Chase Amante's picture
women in bikinis at poolThe pool of women you date and hook up from is the same pool you’ll select long-term girlfriends and wives from. But pickup pools aren’t always the best spots to find great LTRs…

Every man has a certain pool of women he draws his dates and mates from.

This pool’s determined by where and how he meets women, and the kinds of women he attracts.

Men often choose dating pools for pleasure or convenience: the easiest girls to pick up; the sexiest girls to sleep with; the girls who are the best in bed. I recommend this while learning, and while building (or rebuilding) momentum.

There’s no faster way to learn nor build momentum than by picking up girls places that are easy for you, where women are in relative abundance, and ideally you really enjoy the pick up process.

However, there’s an issue here many men often don’t foresee until it is too late: you draw your long-term relationships from this same dating pool, too.

Yet the qualities you want in a long-term girlfriend will not always so perfectly align with the qualities the women you meet in the more convenient dating pools possess.

NEW VIDEO: Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Part 7

Chase Amante's picture

The seventh and final installment in my GirlsChase.TV video series “Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life” is here.

In this (free) video I arm you with eight (8) great tips to bolster your results as you use the daily-life pickup tips we covered in the other videos in the series.

In the video, you’ll discover:

  • How ACTIVE (or not) you have to be to pull this type of lifestyle off. Hint: you don’t have to be a “super extrovert” to make daily life pickup a reality

  • What to do to keep your day-to-day life picking up even when you’re busy (or if you’re someone who simply doesn’t like socializing a lot)

  • An important “activities” tip that lets you avoid burn out. Follow this tip to keep your daily life picking up fun & easy!

  • The “burning the candle at both ends” problem – I ran into this while “integrating” and wish I knew then the advice I have for you here…

  • Why it’s so key you actually LIKE the people you’re building your lifestyle with (you can get into “volume” lifestyle building, but the liking consideration is very important)

  • Doing your socializing in “bursts” rather than always being the social guy all the time – how to do this (without losing momentum) and who this “uneven” style is suited for

  • One thing to keep an eye out for WHILE doing your pickup and socializing… many guys overlook this, but it gives the guys who don’t a great extra “edge” and benefit!

  • A final lesson on building an integrated pickup/daily lifestyle that suits YOU, not one that is completely carbon-copied from me or someone else

This final video is a FREE installment in the series, which you can watch even if you’re not a GirlsChase.TV Premium subscriber.

Of course, you’ll still need a subscription to watch the really meaty Parts 3-6 in the series… but if you don’t have one yet you can watch this video + Parts 1 & 2.

Here’s my video on daily life pickup bonus tips & tidbits:

What to Do When a Girl Brags, Boasts, or Shows Off

Chase Amante's picture
girl pointing and braggingSometimes girls brag. But not always for the same reason. How can you tell WHY she’s bragging… and what the appropriate response to that is?

Most of the time you probably think of bragging as being a male behavior.

Most of the time you’d be right.

Sometimes, though, it isn’t. Sometimes girls brag, too.

There are different reasons why women will do it, and while we’ll discuss those, we aren’t overly concerned with them here today.

Instead, what we’re concerned with today is something different:

What to do when a girl brags to you.

Deconstruction in Cinema: A Corrosive Poison Drip into Men's Heads

Chase Amante's picture
TEXTMore and more blockbusters feature “deconstruction” of established strong characters. This isn’t a good thing – it is harmful for viewers uncritically absorbing this nonsense.

I’ve recently found myself watching fewer and fewer recent movies.

We discussed it on the forum a while back. I mentioned in that thread that:

The way I think of it is most modern movies are being made for someone other than me.

I don't know exactly whom their target audience is, but it's definitely not a guy like me.

Many modern film themes are increasingly puerile. Their cultural revolutionary elements are stifling, jammed into every other scene and made as blatant and jarring as possible, seemingly deliberately aimed at breaking immersion.

On top of that, they all just feel hollow.

When I watch most modern movies, I come out of it feeling like I’ve spent two hours in a brainwashing chamber, and the only way to get un-brainwashed is to watch an old movie. Then a few days later I watch an old movie and it’s a breath of fresh air… the world makes sense again, all is as it should be, and everything returns to normal.

It isn’t every single modern movie that has this “brainwashed” effect I’ve found – it’s just a lot of them.

What, then, is the difference, between modern “brainwash” movies and non-brainwash modern movies plus older cinema?

Recently I began to really dig into the thematic differences between modern vs. older cinema, and it’s become increasingly clear what modern films are doing that, in my view, is just straight up poisonous to the healthy male’s psychology.

I’ve talked to you before about how the media influences thoughts and feelings. I’ve advised you to turn off the screens and limit the amount of time you spend on them.

Today I want to show you just what is going on beneath the surface in some of these “harmless” popcorn movies you are absorbing into your skull.

How to Socialize Better: I Want vs. You Want

Chase Amante's picture
man thinking in front of group of people in cafeA man may be focused on what he wants… or he may be focused on what others want. Too extreme a focus on either of these leads to dysfunction in his social life.

In any kind of social situation, there are two considerations you may have:

  • “What do I want?”

  • “What do you want?”

Many of the problems people have dealing with other people come from leaning too heavily onto one or the other of these.

When someone is too nice, or too big a pushover, or too unassertive, it is generally because he is overly focused on the question of “What do you want?”

When on the other hand someone is too rude, or too pushy, or too imposing, it is generally because he is overly focused on the question of “What do I want?”

Getting this balance right is a major milestone in better social results.

Picking Up Girls at Night Is Different from Day, Pt. 2: Strategies Unique to Night Game

Alek Rolstad's picture
female bartender mixing drinkDay game strategies can work at night… in some situations. Yet there are strategies unique to night game, and if you’ll do night game, you’ll want to take full advantage.

Night game is not day game done at night. Last week I shared why this is by focusing on the overall dynamics of vibe and social codes. Today, I want to dig deeper and discuss how night game and day game differ and, more importantly, how you can learn these differences to avoid making unnecessary mistakes in night game so you get the most out of night game.

This post is for day gamers trying to convert to night game or want to give night game a shot (and you should because it is fun and will make you a better day gamer!). Seasoned night gamers may benefit from this post, too.

I will explain how the tactics for day and night game differ strategically.

Indirect Pulls: The Low-Risk Way to Invite Girls to Your Place

Chase Amante's picture
man speaking to woman at a barWhen you want to invite a woman home, but the situation is dicey, rather than risk big and go direct, use the lower risk alternative: invite her home indirectly.

There comes a time in every seduction where you must complete the seduction.

You have to be able to get together with a girl, somewhere private, where the two of you can get intimate.

If you can’t do this, all your efforts are for naught: she won’t end up with you. Sooner or later, she’ll meet someone else who can get her alone, and she will end up with him.

Thus, in many ways, the pull is one of the most crucial parts of a seduction.

It’s not without risk, either. If you try to pull a girl who isn’t ready, she’ll say “no”, and then you need to decide whether to persist (and risk running into a wall of negative compliance) or back off (and risk going backward in the seduction and losing all your momentum with her).

Sometimes you’ll be in situations where a girl has various things going on, and asking her too directly looks tone deaf, but not asking her risks her getting pulled away by the other things going on, and you losing the girl.

How do you handle such fraught scenarios, and pull off pulls despite the risks?

With indirect pulls – an under-the-radar way of both checking a girl’s willingness to go somewhere private with you and get her thinking the pull was in part or in whole her idea.

DOORS CLOSING: Last Chance for One Date at 50% Off + Two Date Flows FREE

Chase Amante's picture
one date screenshot with hector, chase, and oanaIt’s the last call for my 50% off One Date deal and the two free Date Flows (the Home & Walking Dates). Take advantage before midnight, while this deal’s still available.

Today’s the final day you can pick up my flagship course One Date at 50% off and receive the two Limited Edition Date Flows for free.