Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Will That Girl Be Hard to Get? Why You Never Really Know

Alek Rolstad's picture

is she hard to get
Are your biases keeping you from approaching girls based on their looks or personality, when in fact those things rarely determine whether she’s hard to get?

Hey guys, and welcome back. Last week we discussed whether getting laid was easy or difficult. We looked at different factors that determine the ease or difficulty of getting laid.

Our conclusion was that it differs – getting laid can sometimes be super easy if you get lucky, and super hard if the world is working against you.

We then concluded that what is truly difficult is getting laid with high-quality women consistently. In my opinion, this can only be attained by being a celebrity or practicing pickup full time (the latter is the easiest way). Whether or not that is your goal, resources like this website will help you get lucky more often with better women. How far you want to take it is up to you.

Today’s post is dedicated to beginners – as a motivator. Many beginners may agree with my points from last week but intuitively feel that something is off. Here we have someone who has been practicing pickup for over ten years telling them pickup is not necessarily hard (although not “easy” as some may claim), yet their experience says otherwise because their skill level is low. That is normal. The better you become in any field, the more natural it becomes.

But for beginners, things can seem hard, especially if your last encounter required a lot of work.

And yes, as stated last week, certain interactions, with certain women, on certain days can be harder than others. That is also normal. It does not mean that their next lay will be as hard. There is no guarantee of that. It could be harder, and it could be easier. You never know what the future will bring.

But let’s get objective for a bit (or at least try to). The truth is, many beginners miss-assess the situation and would perceive certain women as more difficult than others, when in fact they are not.

This post is meant to discuss this phenomenon and challenge certain biases which many men have – especially beginners. This post has a very optimistic feel to it, and you probably will be left with a more optimistic view when dealing with future encounters.

More experienced seducers may also enjoy this post.

How Reality Pace Openers Help You Connect to and Intrigue Women

Daniel Adebayo's picture

reality pace openers
Showing a girl that you get her and are not just another douche makes her see you as a refreshing and attractive guy. Reality pace openers get this done within seconds.

In today’s article, we’re going to discuss another powerful, versatile frame control technique. This technique will allow you to set good frames in your seductions – right from the start.

Even though techniques like this are more suited for intermediate and advanced seducers, this type of frame control is simple and easy enough to pull off so seducers at any level can use this technique and reap the benefits.

You’ll want to use this at the beginning of your interactions with women; it’s one of my favorite ways to approach. Not only does this technique enable you to start your interactions with great frames that are tailored specifically to help your seductions proceed smoothly, but it is also a very low key and innocuous way to approach women, just like situationally relevant openers.

Simply put, this is a powerful and risk-averse way to open.

Before we proceed, it’s important to note that while I’ll be sharing specific examples of how you can use this technique to approach women, it’s crucial that you understand the underlying principles first. Feel free to use the example openers word for word – they've been tested in the field with great success.

But make sure also to take in the principles and understand the concepts that make up this technique. Because once you’ve grasped them, you’ll truly see the power of this technique and you’ll be able to create more examples to use in a variety of situations.

10 Most Common Reasons Guys Can't Get Laid

Tony Depp's picture

can't get laid
The reasons a guy can’t get laid may be simple, but more often it’s not so intuitive. Here are the usual suspects, some of which you may have never considered.

“Why Can’t I Get Laid?”

After many years of teaching pickup, I can narrow down the reasons why so many guys can’t get laid.

This article may help you self-diagnose some of your inner and outer game issues if you’re stuck in a vicious cycle of no sex. These tips will help you break free and score some lovin’ again – or for the first time.

So here are the top 10 factors I see in guys who just can’t get laid.

The Moment That Propelled Me Relentlessly Forward as a Man

Cody Lyans's picture

experience changes a man
Throughout life, we have opportunities to gain experiences that free our minds and build our character, leaving us forever changed. This is the moment that freed me.

Some moments in life change everything. In those moments, you draw back a curtain that reveals more than you ever bargained for, and it changes you forever.

This is my story of that moment, after which my journey to seduction mastery went ahead full speed.

I have understood this story in my own way for many years, but I have never before been able to truly do it justice until now.

I was discussing this with someone casually today, and for some reason, I found the right words to describe how I felt inside. I figured, why not share it with you guys?

Top 7 Sex Positions to Make Girls CRAZY for You (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

These 7 sex positions will not only drive her crazy for you, they will be crazily enjoyable for you. They are my favorite positions, discovered by, well, having lots and lots of sex and getting excellent feedback, mainly in the form of orgasms and repeat visits to my lair.

These sex positions are meant to make you feel like a strong, dominant man and make her feel like a submissive feminine woman, which is the best combination for mind-blowing sex.

This dynamic, of you pounding her pussy, deep and hard, like no other man has before, will keep her coming back for more. Just be careful, because if you pull this off well, she will fall in love you.

The path to a woman's heart is through her pussy.

Ravage her pussy well, and she will love you dearly.

Do not abuse her heart or take advantage of women once they fall in love with you, of course. But DO abuse her pussy with these 7 sex positions. ;D

The Girls Chase Guide to Getting & Staying Slim

Chase Amante's picture
getting slim
If you want to slim down for good, lose the fad diet. Don't even exercise (not for this anyway). Instead, do this: cut your portions, and cut bad foods.

We were talking over on the forum about how people in general have gotten a lot fatter. In fact it is to the point that people often do not notice it. And you are not generally allowed to talk about it in polite company.

Some years ago, we had a great article on men's weight loss here from Eric Reeves. The tips in this article are different from the tips in that one. So for good measure I suggest you read that one too; then just pick the strategy that appeals to you most.

When I went to university, I put on a lot of weight. I was reed-thin when I started school at 19. I was so skinny then one of the grizzled old roughnecks in the auto shop I worked at used to mock my walk, hounding me about "Why do you walk like that, man? Like you're some big guy?" I was just thin.

I began to lift weights hard in college to bulk up. I consumed a lot of protein powder (which I don't recommend anymore), but otherwise ate almost straight junk food. Pizza, French fries, potato chips, cookies, soda, and a couple bottles of cheap Nikolai vodka every month rounded out my diet. I was at McDonald's, Burger King, or Wendy's almost every day of the week.

I did put on a bunch of muscle, but I also added a big, sloppy gut, and got fat in the face. As this happened to me, I did not really realize it, and nobody told me. It wasn't until I started to spend time around friends and girlfriends from the third world, mostly after I graduated college, that I found out I was overweight. They told me right to my face: they told me I was fat and pointed out my big gut ("Look at that belly!"). I'd spent much more time around Americans but none of them had ever said a thing to me about it.

It still took me almost a year once I realized I was fat to actually start to lose weight. I'd tried to before I succeeded, but none of the stuff I tried before I succeeded worked.

This post will give you everything you need to slim down to healthy weight and stay that way.

It gives you the stuff that I found that works (simple stuff), and leaves out all the complicated stuff people try and fail and multi-billion dollar industries exist to serve.

Mandatory disclaimer: I am not a doctor and this is not professional medical advice. Before you do anything that affects your health you should go and talk to your doctor first. Just be sensible.

Is It Easy to Get Laid... Or Is It Hard?

Alek Rolstad's picture

is getting laid easy or hard
Depending on who you talk to or the forums you read, you’ll find guys who say getting laid is hard, while others insist it’s easy. Here’s the real low-down on that.

Is getting laid hard? It’s a commonly asked question, and I see a lot of disagreements regarding this on the forums. For some reason, many guys are also curious about how easy or hard it is to meet women.

Practically speaking, this question does not really lead you anywhere, as the answer will not impact results much.

But what I will try to do in this post is to give you an objective view (which will not be easy) on how hard meeting women and getting laid really is. This is just an opinion from someone who has practiced for 12 years, going out consistently and meeting many different women in different circumstances and places.

First, let’s talk about some subjective factors at play.

Sexual Escalation with Shy Girls vs. Not Shy Girls

Varoon Rajah's picture

sexual escalation shy girls
Shy or not, the secret to getting a girl in bed is to move fast. But is the process of escalating to sex different with shy girls? Yes, and here’s how to do it.

This article is the unfortunate outcome of my many failures in pulling and escalation. People around me who know about my day game skills have been envious about my ability to meet a girl anywhere, any place, with little to no fear or anxiety. Guys tend to trip up most when it comes to approach anxiety and getting the guts to approach women – this doesn’t exist in my domain; I got over that fear many years ago.

Currently, my biggest sticking point has been at the very end of seduction – in the moment of pulling the girl back to my place, and in the moment of escalating with her. I must have lost over 200 girls by failing in the most critical point in the seduction – the moment when she’s already decided she wants to sleep with me, and I messed up with delivering on her wishes.

In this article, and in my next article series where I will discuss female self-esteem through all stages of seduction, we’re diving deep into how to escalate and close the deal with a girl when she’s at home alone (or wherever) with you, ready to have sex. Although different guys have different means to go about doing this, my focus here is on simplicity – how to read her and get her in bed with you depending on what kind of interest she shows in you.

Despite all my failures, there have also been many successes. Often failure is the best teacher – because through failure, you internalize a pattern so that you never trip up on it again, unless the pattern changes. So from my own failures as well as successes, let’s look at what patterns have visibly emerged.

10 Actions That Will Improve Every Relationship You Have

Tony Depp's picture

how to make a relationship better
We’re social beings, therefore we thrive when our relationships thrive. The secret to making every relationship better is to start with oneself, then radiate outward.

Would you like to know how to improve every relationship you have with women, from your existing relationships to every new one you create, until you fart your last fart into your starched hospital bedsheets? (Personally, I plan to die in battle).

Maybe you’re struggling with your girlfriend, your boss, your parents or peers, or just everyone in the darn world? Maybe you can’t get laid never mind find a girlfriend. Maybe you’re a hardcore introvert and don’t have any friends or feel like you need them.

Don’t worry. Uncle Tony is going to teach you how to make a relationship better. This knowledge won’t just show you how to make every relationship better – it may give you more personal power than you know what to do with.

I’m dramatic here for literary effect.

Most of you just want to get laid. I know. But let’s go a little deeper to see how to make a relationship better.

Not Getting the Results You Want? Change Something About Yourself

Darwin Niwrad's picture

no results? change yourself
If you’ve ever been stuck in a rut – and got out of it – you may have noticed your emergence came with a change. Here’s why to embrace change rather than stagnate.

Trial and error is an essential process in learning about and developing yourself. It can apply to many aspects of life, especially with women and dating. It can be hard to admit that something you’re doing when it comes to dating may not be working in your favor.

Obviously, if you knew that, it wouldn’t be a problem, so to process this, it’s beneficial to think about your past relationships or hookups. If you realize that your current method in whatever you are pursuing isn’t benefiting you, then the natural response should be to change your method to get different results – ideally positive results.

This change can happen on many levels: your appearance, social circle, or daily activities. Change may even occur on a more personal level that could, in turn, shape your perspective on what type of women interest you. More importantly, know that you have many resources available to help you make the change necessary. In changing something about yourself, know that you don’t have to be a guinea pig.