Wingmanning Guide | Girls Chase

Wingmanning Guide

Alek Rolstad's guide to wingmanning.

Wingman Guide, Pt. 7: Examples of Deadly Wingman-Combos

Alek Rolstad's picture
TEXTWhat’s it look like when two skilled wingmen pick up girls together? Peruse these examples of skilled wingman pickups and get inspired.

Hey guys and welcome back to the final installment in this series on wingmanning.

Across this wingman guide series, I have shared posts on the fundamentals of wingmanning, an A-to-Z guide on wingmanning, from meet to pull, followed by posts about calibration and advanced wingmanning techniques that allow you to deal with trickier situations when out with a wing.

By now, you have more than enough material to have plenty of fun with your wing.

However, you may want to push it further. If you are both skilled seducers and want to perfect your wingman strategy, this post is for you.

Today, I’ll cover different wingman strategies for those with high skills. You have infinite ways to combine the skills of two expert seducers with unique strengths. The examples I’ll share will:

  • Display how combining seduction skills best work
  • Inspire you to “complete” one another

The idea is to provide real-life examples by providing entertaining stories to motivate you to work on and perfect your wingmanning skills.

Wild stories are fun. A wild story with a wing is godlike.

Wingman Guide, Pt. 6: Switching Targets, Alpha Females, & Big Groups

Alek Rolstad's picture
advanced wingman strategiesIn this advanced wingman strategy guide, you’ll learn how to switch targets with your wingman… how to handle alpha females & big groups… and more.

Hey guys and welcome back.

So far in my now 6-part guide to wingmen, I have covered wingmanning fundamentals. Those posts should be enough to get you and your wing results—lots of results.

You can look at the previous posts as your A-to-Z guide on wingmanning. To review, we’ve covered:

Today, we will step it up a notch and discuss how to deal with trickier wingman situations. This and next week’s posts are for more seasoned seducers and work as an “expansion pack” to my previous posts. The strategies covered below build upon what we’ve discussed, so check out my past five posts on wingmanning. Even if you are a seasoned wingman, you’ll likely find some tips in those posts that you may have missed to benefit your wingmanning game.

Wingman Guide, Pt. 5: Calibrating to Your Wing

Alek Rolstad's picture
wingman calibrationTo get the most out of picking up girls with a wingman, the wings need to calibrate to each other. That means working together – and balancing each other’s game.

Hey guys and welcome back.

Today, I want to discuss calibration and additional strategies you can pull off with a wing. This post is an expansion to help perfect your wingmanning skills. We will discuss everything from in-set calibration pointers to state control, and decision-making with your wing.

Up to this point in our guide to wingmanning, we’ve covered a lot of information that may seem exhaustive. Remember, a perfect pickup and seduction does not exist. You will rarely use all the material you know and pull it off perfectly. It’s good to know that often you won’t need it.

The goal is to strive for perfection by giving you as many tools in these posts as possible to get the best results, and you can add or subtract tips and techniques depending on how you and your wing work together. Some methods may suit you; some may not. You may need some strategies to solve potential sticking points, and you should focus on applying these depending on your situation.

So, let’s go through some valuable tips and tricks.

Wingman Guide, Pt. 4: Closing Girls w/ a Wing (Doubles)

Alek Rolstad's picture
closing with a wingmanIt’s time to pull the girls you picked up with a wingman. Follow these battle-tested action plans to get girls out of the venue and alone & back home.

Hey guys and welcome back.

Previously, we have discussed wingmanning rules and strategies suitable for going solo and doing doubles, like split-pushes. This strategy is challenging and may not be ideal for beginners. We’ve also talked about the basics of wingmanning, from opening and hooking with a wingman, plus introducing your wing into the set, to running the set together.

If all goes well and the set is ready to pull, you must know how to manage this successfully. Sometimes, you and your wing may split up with each girl, going your separate ways. When this happens, it becomes a split-push, similar to solo game, which we won’t discuss today.

But often, when you have a set with your wing, you’ll want to take advantage of the double situation. Likely, the girls want to stick together, at least for a while, and you will most usually pull together.

How do you best seal the deal in these double situations? That’s what we will discuss below. You’ll learn how to handle those times when you and your wing are together with your girls until you are all at an afterparty. Sure, you may split up before then, and that’s completely fine. We will assume this does not happen so I can break down everything from meeting (see my last post) until she is in your bed (today’s post).
So, let’s assume:

  • You’ve opened the girls.

  • You and your wing have hooked both girls.

  • You both have an interaction going, and all is going well.

Wingman Guide, Pt. 3: Opening & Hooking Girls w/ a Wing

Alek Rolstad's picture
opening with a wingmanOpening girls with a wingman (and hooking them) is an art. With this guide, you’ll have the most effective ways to get them roped in and talking.

Hey guys. Welcome back.

Previously, we discussed easy-to-pull-off wingman strategies: “split-push,” when you and your wing split and do your thing, not requiring wingmanning techniques like calibration and synergy with your wing. Doing “doubles” when you and your wing actively seek to meet women together, run the same set, and go for one girl from the same group is much harder to pull off than the split-push strategy. We also went over hybrid approaches that use split-push as a starting point, with the possibility of doing doubles later.

In some situations, you need to do a double:

  • Two-sets (hard to deal with solo, especially with isolation)

  • Sets when both you and your wing get a hook

  • Sets where you need assistance (only if your wing is skilled)

Some guys, like me, love doing doubles with a great wing. You get a special ego boost when you and a wing pull your own girl together. The vibe, the talks, and the laughs the next day are priceless. You must experience it to know it.

Today, I will go through basic techniques to use when doing doubles, whether you end up in a hybrid style by chance or actively go for it with your wing. These techniques can increase your chance of succeeding. Note that today’s post serves as a basic guide. I will get into more advanced strategies in a few weeks for more seasoned seducers (or curious beginners).

Wingman Guide, Pt. 2: 3 Potent Wingman Strategies

Alek Rolstad's picture
wingman strategiesGoing out with a wingman is good. What strategy should you employ while out though? There’s a lot more you can do than just “two guys approaching girls.”

Hey guys, welcome back. Last week, we discussed wingmanning and the basics of choosing a good wingman, which is critical. It can make or break your future interactions. We reviewed key rules to ensure smooth cooperation, which is equally critical whether you are a beginner or a pro; many underestimate this element.

Today, I’ll discuss strategies and give my take on wingmanning. I will start by debunking some misconceptions about winging by pointing out the flawed perspective that wingmanning is about you and a guy hitting on two women in the same group. Wingmanning can be this, but it is so much more. The classic view of wingmanning is the most complicated method to pull off and requires good overall pick up and seduction skills. I may sound slightly negative initially, especially if you are not at the level to pull off the “classic” wingmanning style. However, I will suggest different strategies that are easier to use but not necessarily less efficient, whether you are a pro or a beginner. These are especially convenient if you are a beginner or an intermediate player.

However, if the old school, hardcore style of wingmanning (“doubles”) is your thing, then similar to my previous post, this post is also for you since you will find helpful (and essential) information here. Worry not, I will soon have posts on doing doubles because I love it and have perfected it with my main wings.

Wingman Guide, Pt 1: Intro to Wingmanning – Basic Rules

Alek Rolstad's picture
wingmanning: introductionA wingman can be a great asset when you go out to meet girls. But the wrong wingman can play saboteur. Follow this guide & these rules to pick a GOOD one.

Hey, guys. In my last few posts on selecting nightlife companions, I’ve discussed going out with others versus going out solo, a subject discussed often. We’ve gone over selecting the number of people to go out with and choosing the right people to tag along with you.

We briefly mentioned wingmanning, and I decided not to delve too far into this discussion then. Those posts covered going out with people who may not desire to cooperate in your women-hunting endeavors because they are not wingmen but cool people who know many others, look good, and can increase your mood and value.

We concluded that it is best to:

  1. Go out solo.

  1. Go out in a larger group.

  1. Avoid going out in groups of three whenever possible.

  1. Avoid going out with one other unless he is your explicit wingman; otherwise, he will be in the way.

So, in this post, we will discuss the basics of wingmanning and the criteria for choosing the right wingmen, then go through different wingmanning rules. In the coming weeks, we will discuss more strategies and techniques to use with your wingman.