Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

6 Best and 4 WORST Places to Pick Up Girls

Allen Reyes's picture

By: Allen Reyes

places to pick up girlsWhat places are the BEST to meet women at? Well, it's not dance clubs, the street, or the metro. In fact, those are among the WORST. The best include some places many don't even think to frequent.

Hey guys!

Today I’ll outline the four worst, two limbo, plus six best places to pick up girls.

This list is for the general reader, and the venues aren’t a specific level of difficulty.

Of course, if you’re already cut your teeth in one type of venue and have more experience there, your mileage may vary.

Tactics Tuesdays: Playful Behavior Mirroring with Women

Chase Amante's picture
playful girl behavior mirroringYou can mirror a woman's behavior to turn her on, break the pattern she's in, or even get her chasing. They key, of course, is calibrating this to her.

There's a tactic you can use to inject a lot of playfulness and looseness into your interactions with women.

It's a thing I call 'behavior mirroring'.

You've probably done this yourself from time to time. Usually if you've done it, you've done it to be playful, to break tension, or to point out something ridiculous a woman's doing.

All you're doing with it is mirroring for a woman - playfully - behavior that either she herself has displayed, or that women stereotypically display.

You can cover the whole gamut of extremes with this, too: from very subtle mirroring, to outlandish, over-the-top mirroring.

Let's have a look at how it works.

Indirect Club Game Just After LOCKDOWN (A Case Study)

Alek Rolstad's picture
indirect club gameWhat does skillful indirect game look like, when used to pick up girls? This case study follows a successful indirect club game pick up, from open to close.

As I’m about to close my series on indirect game, I’ve decided to share a report to serve as an example of how I use this game style.

In the comments sections of my previous articles, readers told me I did not share any (or enough) examples of how to use indirect game. Frankly, they were not wrong to request this. After all, examples are good pedagogic tools.

Therefore, I decided to share a report that shows how I use indirect game. I usually don’t write lay reports since they take a lot of time to type (and I’m known to be overly detailed). That said, any good seducer will agree that writing reports about your nights out and reading others’ reports are some of the best tools a seducer can use to become good.

If you decide to read through this long post, I promise you that you will become a BETTER seducer. Not only will techniques be exemplified, but you will also learn how everything comes together. I’m trying to make this a hybrid between a report and a guide.

I’ve written other reports, most using some form of indirect game:

The first part of this report covers the preparations, the early time of the night, the “getting back into it” phase when you are dealing with bad state and momentum (as you will see, this night is a bit unique since I was rusty because of the COVID-19 lockdown).

However, if you prefer reading about the interaction with the girl I pulled (I will cover this in great detail with all the juicy information), then skip to part two, labeled “The Wizard Strikes Back.” I would still recommend reading the entire article.

What to Do When a Girl Pulls Away (and Seems to Lose Interest)

Chase Amante's picture
girl pulls awayWhen a girl pulls away, your first instinct will be to chase. Yet chasing only digs the hole deeper. Instead, stop her pulling away – then fix it.

Whether she's someone you're dating or just one you're talking to, you can go a little crazy when a girl pulls away.

In this guide I'll show you exactly how to deal with this situation, including:

  • How to understand why she pulls away

  • Ways to troubleshoot the root cause

  • A method to halt her pulling away

  • Steps to keep her around a long, long time

Let's begin.

Is the Madonna-Whore Complex a Problem for Men?

Tony Depp's picture
madonna-whore complexIf you view some women as virginal saintly Madonnas, and others as dissolute slutty whores, does that create problems for you?

Have you ever heard of the Madonna-whore complex?

When I was young, there was this special girl.

She played volleyball for a rival school’s team. When she’d come to play at my school, I’d watch her bounce and frolic and think: “If only she were my girl, I’d be the happiest guy in the world.”

I built her up in my imagination to be the perfect girlfriend, even though I’d never met her. She was my “one-itis.”

Fast forward a couple years. I entered high school, infiltrated her social circle, asked her out, and wow, she became my first girlfriend!

I spent a few months going to her house, making out on her couch, annoying her while she did her homework. I never slept with her because I “knew” she wasn’t ready (hah).

In retrospect, I was the one who wasn’t ready. I was young, needy, and insecure. So she dumped me.

I cried many boy tears. I left roses on her doorstep. I wrote her love letters. And then, a few days later, I saw her making out with the captain of the rugby team in front of my locker.

What? My angel must have been seduced by this evil bastard! He drugged her. He brainwashed her!

Many years later, I found her on Facebook. “You were my first girlfriend. I was crazy about you,” I said.

“Oh, I remember that. I was such a slut back then,” she replied.

And pop went my illusion of the perfect girl. By this point, I was an experienced man-whore. But I still had a Madonna-whore complex, and I saw her as a Madonna.

Tactics Tuesdays: Have No Shame

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

have no shameCould you be shameless? When you talk to a woman and she attempts to shame you (for any reason), the best thing to do is stand firm… and unashamed.

The world today is a bizarre, polarized place where a whole lot of people get off on acting shocked at opinions that were standard fare even a decade ago.

People make accusations.

They give you funny looks.

If you're just getting used to women now, those shocked reactions, looks, and accusations might be enough to make you want to crawl back into your shell... or simply never share your thoughts on anything again.

Yet here's the thing: if you are unapologetic about who you are and what you think, and you own it, and can't be bullied into shame, people will respect you.

They'll respect you far more than those timorous souls who duck their heads and prostrate themselves before whoever dares accuse them of things.

This can make all the difference between a woman who's disgusted with you, and one enamored with you.

Showing Intent Without Showing Your Intentions

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

showing intentIt is possible for you to display intent to a woman without giving away your intentions, so that she may still have room to chase you. You just need the right approach.

Hey guys, and welcome back.

I have been focusing on indirect game lately. I know many of you have enjoyed the series from the feedback I’ve received via PM on the forums. This always makes me grateful.

Others pointed out that the series has not included enough practical examples showing the execution of the techniques. I can’t write an A–Z guide detailing every step of how I run indirect game; that would require me to write a long book sharing all my game. However, I can share a report that exemplifies how I run this.

As usual, this series is becoming slightly longer than anticipated, but I’m the kind of guy who needs to cover every aspect before feeling comfortable moving on. I do the same with my students. I do not move onto their next sticking point to tackle until concepts are hammered down.

And this is what I intend to do with this series. I will try to keep things as fresh and exciting as possible.

Today’s subject relates to indirect game but more precisely, to the questions surrounding communicating and conveying your intentions to women.

Many proponents of direct game claim that communicating your intentions to a woman is key as it sets a “man meeting woman” frame, helping her know what the interaction is about and cutting the crap. It helps set a seduction frame. I see nothing wrong with this. It is obviously a good frame!

But if you have been paying attention to my series on indirect game, you may have heard me say:

  • “Be indirect”

  • “Don’t display your intentions”

  • “Don’t communicate intent directly”

And these hold true, although there is a caveat.

This caveat is what I want to discuss today: showing your intentions is not necessarily bad. You can run indirect game and still display your intentions, and potentially reap all the benefits that follow:

It is a question of what intentions you convey and how. These nuances are what we will cover today in this post.

What type of intentions should you communicate? How should you communicate them? And ultimately, how does this fit into the broader view of indirect game (and what would differentiate it from a “direct game” variant)?

This post will serve as both a theoretical and practical guide. Let’s jump into it.

7 Tips to Fewer Objections from Girls You Want to Date

Tony Depp's picture
woman objecting to manIf she's objecting to something, check yourself. If you have tight fundamentals, persist.

Today we’re going to look at how to handle objections from women.

We’ll do this by breaking down a post from the Skilled Seducer forums.

By the end of this post, you'll know whether to persist or desist with an objecting woman, and how to persist properly where you can.

Tactics Tuesdays: Gold Choices vs. Bronze Choices

Chase Amante's picture
gold choices vs. bronze choicesIf you want someone to make the right choice, don't give only one option. Juxtapose your preferred Gold Choice against an okay-yet-inferior Bronze Choice.

I talked yesterday with our sales specialist, Rob.

We spoke about the new coaching page we're setting up, with a video by me that talks about coaching and an option for audience members to book a free call with Rob to discuss coaching packages.

I said how we'd tossed out the initial version of the page, which our writer made about getting viewers to choose a coach.

Instead we made the page totally focused on getting a reader to sign up for the free call.

(by the way, if you want to know more about coaching with Girls Chase, just shoot Rob an email at -- he'll hop on a call with you to fill you in on options)

And Rob noted that yes, something he'd noticed in years of working with clients: when he talks to a guy, listens to his situation, and tells him, "This is the coach for you. You're going to want to book coaching with this instructor," he closes a lot of sales.

However, if he tells the prospective client, "Here are our different coaches. There's this coach, who is best at this. And there's that coach, who is best at that. There's also this other coach, who's really good at XYZ. Which coach would you like?" he always gets the same response:

"Oh, ah, I'll have to think about it. Let me get back to you."

And then the client never calls him back.

And I told him yes, that's right, Rob! You've discovered an important sales principle: you don't give the prospect too many choices.

Ideally, you only give him one.

One you suspect will be right for him.

And if you must give choices (if, for instance, he isn't sold on the first one you give him), the other choices you give typically must help sell the first choice you offered... not sell themselves as real alternatives.

I call this Gold Choices vs. Bronze Choices.

And it applies every bit as much to your interactions with women as it does to sales.

Young Women Are Lonelier Than Ever Right Now (So Why Aren't You Approaching?)

Chase Amante's picture
women lonelier than everIf you're like most guys, you're not going out right now. Yet single women are lonelier than ever, and more receptive to your approaches than ever before.

I'm just about finished an epic "3 potential futures for dating in a post-lockdown world" article that explores the current and potential long-lasting social changes we're looking at, depending on one of three scenarios (lockdowns lift in 2022 as currently promised; rolling annual lockdowns become a normal part of Western disease-fighting; or permanent lockdowns are here to stay, with freedom passes awarded to good citizens).

But then you get into speculating about the future, and as neutral as I try to make an article like that it's hard not to veer into this side or that side, and, frankly, at this point, we're living in a dystopia, and talking about the dystopia we're in is sort of depressing.

And everyone's got enough depression to deal with already.

So instead I want to do something different.

Instead, let me set that huge long massive article aside (and maybe I will or won't publish it at some point) and do something else.

Let me talk to you about what women are going through right now.