Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Use Guilt Trips (Playfully)

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

how to use guilt trips
You can guilt trip women in fun, light ways (without putting a lot of pressure on them or being manipulative) to keep your courtships moving forward. The secret is the 'fun' part…

Don't worry, we're not going to talk about the Scumbag Steve, Dark Side version of this.

This article's about something Light. It's the playful version of guilt tripping.

Guilt trips are a persuasion tool you can use to get a woman out of her head and thinking about things from your perspective. They add another piece of the puzzle to an equation where a woman may only have been thinking about her own immediate wants.

You can use this kind of fun 'guilt trip' to accomplish various useful items:

  • Get a woman to stick around longer with you in-person
  • Get her to rethink her decision to cancel plans / flake
  • Get her to comply with a request or agree to a venue change

And more. We'll talk about how below.

Do it in a playful way, and you have a nice little pattern interrupt that shakes a woman out of the pattern she was in, and often loosens up the vibe a good bit to boot.

You Don't Need to Be Perfect – Your Flaws Are What Make You Attractive

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

flaws make you attractive
The next time you want to approach a girl but want to chicken out even more, remember: when it comes to attraction, having flaws is better than being perfect.

There are few skills more useful and powerful for developing your charisma than cold approach pickup. At its very core, all it entails is approaching women to make them feel comfortable enough to let you inside them.

The concept is simple, but the application is hard.

Imagine you’re a robot. You’re given a program, and the code tells you to: walk up to a girl, tell her she’s cute, talk to her for two minutes, and ask for her contact.

A robot would have no problem with this task because it doesn’t feel emotions like fear, doubt, insecurity, or self-consciousness. It would just approach with the correct formula compiled from the Girls Chase seduction database, and make it happen. A robot would know exactly the right techniques to apply, like how to touch a girl, how to make her feel comfortable, the right vocal tonality, plus the proper subjects and replies to elicit positive emotions like attraction, arousal, and intrigue.

What the robot would lack, however, is exactly what makes the best seducers so excellent, which is not necessarily control of emotions, but emotions themselves.

It’s often our flaws and deficiencies that make us charismatic. Not perfection, but imperfection that arouses the deepest interest. Rags to riches, zero to hero, the underdog story.

Science fiction has covered this. The creators program quirks and flaws into AI behavior, just to make humans more comfortable around them (droids). But we humans are naturally imperfect, so to strive for perfection is futile, even if you've been fitted with Borg implants. A “perfect” robotic companion would make us uneasy. We’d always wonder if our AI slave was ready to usurp and replace us. Just like having the “perfect” girl will leave most men insecure that she will leave him.

We should only strive for improvement, not perfection. It’s those who don’t strive for any growth whatsoever who dwell in the shadows, far away from any recognition. They may call themselves enlightened, but even the priest is looking to improve his relationship with his God, at least.

Look at someone like my favorite author, Charles Bukowski, for example. He wrote hilarious books and beautiful poetry that inspired millions to try their hand at writing. He took poetry away from intellectuals and gave it back to ordinary people. He was also a brutal alcoholic, depressive, and a jerk to women. But we love him for his honesty.

If it weren’t for Bukowski’s “flaws,” he wouldn’t have developed his deep understanding of what living a life of poverty can do to establish a man as an artist. His flaws are precisely what made his writings so perceptive and rich.

You don’t need to be perfect, just improving. It saddens me how many of you will never try to achieve something great because the task seems too far away, too impossible — as if you won’t gain anything from even trying.

Can Pickup and Seduction Have a Higher Purpose than Just Hedonism?

Alek Rolstad's picture

seduction higher purpose
If you could no longer pick up chicks and put your dick in them, would you have a reason to live? Well, that happened to me (for two weeks), and here’s what I discovered.

Hey guys, and welcome back. Last week I discussed hedonism as it relates to pickup and seduction.

Here's a link to that article if you haven't had a chance to read it yet:

Pickup and seduction are often seen as a hedonistic activity (which I do not disagree with) since they focus on the short-term and superficial pursuit of pleasure. Hedonism is often seen as the desire to acquire initial satisfaction with a lack of long-term satisfaction.

Some criticize hedonism when considering these points.

In my previous article, we discussed whether this hedonistic aspect of seduction was harmful and whether it was morally wrong. We concluded that it was not wrong if you considered it a hobby or a leisure activity.

Everyone in well-functioning societies has incorporated hedonistic activities into their daily lives. It could be drinking with friends, eating unhealthy food occasionally, going bowling, playing pool, or something else.

We separate work and leisure. We work hard, then get some time off to enjoy fun spare-time activities. We need to see pickup and seduction as just that, and there is nothing wrong with that.

But some have been into this for a long time, and others get so obsessed that it becomes central to their identity. Some see pickup and seduction as a lifestyle choice. If this sounds like you, this post is for you.

Learning Seduction: 7 Words of Wisdom for the Slow Mechanical Learner

Varoon Rajah's picture

By: Varoon Rajah

learn pickup seduction
Do you feel like learning seduction is taking too long and failure comes too often? You might be a mechanical learner like me. If so, here’s what you should know.

The learning curve with women, pickup, and seduction isn’t smooth for every guy.

Some start learning, have a few wins, then quit forever once they’ve found a good (or good enough) girl. Others start early in life and get good quickly with concentrated effort. Others start later and also get good fast.

Still others are naturals who have some experience when they begin learning game methods. There are even those who are so fascinated with game that they dissect it thoroughly, immerse themselves, and even surpass their woman goals!

This article is geared for the mechanical learner that Chase talks about in his article on the Three Sorts of Lady Killers. The mechanical learner is defined as a slow but deliberate learner. He’s the guy who puts forth a constant effort and succeeds when he doesn’t quit, facing mountains of failures, rejections, and setbacks to his methods before he finally figures it out, moving on to his next sticking point.

You might see this person make 1,000 approaches and only succeed with 1, yet he’ll keep going. Maybe three years later, you’ll see him as a master in his approaches, but now he’s stuck at the texting phase, and trying to get girls out on dates. A few years later, he’ll have mastered that, and now he repeatedly fails at escalation and last-minute resistance (LMR) at home.

The mechanic is quite rare, but that doesn't mean his methodology is inferior. He continually makes mistakes at the beginning of learning any skill, and by sheer practice and willpower, working through failures, he perfects his style. He uses his previous failures as models for facilitating success in the new model.

Many will not relate to this article. I want to be clear that in no way is this system any kind of limiting belief. It’s simply a different process of learning. If you’re this type of person, you will quickly realize as you’re reading the archetypes that this is you. And if you’re not this person, it’s unlikely you’ll relate.

Women Resist Intimacy When They Feel They Have No Influence

Cody Lyans's picture

By: Cody Lyans

resistance to sex
Women love sex, but they can resist it for all sorts of reasons. In this article, we discuss why a girl needs to feel some control and inject her influence into a seduction.

You are getting physically intimate with a girl in a club, things are escalating rapidly, and suddenly you realize you can’t keep going or you’ll have to take off your clothes and go at it in the club.

What do you do?

To get to this point, check out my recent articles on club game if you haven't already:

Most will say “Ah, whatever” and take what they can get, try to deal with it once they hit the wall, and hope the girl wants to go home with him.

Honestly, this isn’t the worst idea, since you have already done a lot right, and she might forgive a few mistakes here and there.

However, most girls will throw up their defenses during escalation, and if you are unprepared, they will catch you flat-footed and end the relationship before it begins.

So it pays to dot your ‘i’s and cross your ‘t’s and get the last part of the escalation right.

6 Things You Must Do Before You Find Your Calling

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

find your calling
Will you be content if you find your calling? Since we're wired to always want more than what we have, maybe not. But these 6 things will at least make life interesting.

You want to find your calling or your purpose, but have no idea where to start? If you’ve ever thought about this, you’re a rare phenomenon. The vast majority of people never strive for anything more than filling their bellies and maybe going on a two-week vacation once a year.

Perhaps you’re bored, lonely, or broke, and that’s why you want to find your calling. Because if you were challenged, entertained, and enlightened, you wouldn’t be going through existential angst. You’d be happy with yourself and your life, and everything would be damn perfect, right?

Slash Your "On-Date" Learning Curve in HALF... with Girls Chase 'Practice Date' Coaching

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

lockdown coaching
Rapidly improve your conversation, vibe management, and flirtation with our newest coaching offer. Meet with your coach… then meet with your DATE… and compare notes after.

There's a new kind of coaching in town, and it's set to get you bowling your dates over right in their chairs in the coffee shop or restaurant.

First off though:

  • Have you ever taken a girl out, only to have things start well... yet go south... and as you walked away at the end of the date, certain you'd never see that girl again, you had no idea why?

  • Do you ever run out of things to say to dates (and end up with that super awkward feeling that you're watching your shot with this girl die in real time)?

  • Or do you sometimes mishandle the vibe (and suddenly a date that felt fine two minutes ago feels completely weird or off kilter)?

  • Have you ever been on a date where no matter what you tried, you just couldn't get you and the girl to 'click'? You talked, and she talked, and she offered plenty of polite laughter to your jokes... yet both of you knew you were just killing time out of politeness, rather than any kind of legitimate shared connection.

These things are maddening when they happen. And for some guys, they happen a lot.

Even if they only happen to you sometimes, you still want them to not occur.

The good news is, if you go on enough dates, you will figure it out eventually... probably...

However, the even better news is rather than take 6 months or a year to fix those problems, you can put that process on rocket boosters instead.

The way you do that is with coaching and practice, tied together, working together, to let you zero in on exactly what you need to do differently -- then get you doing it.

To give you exactly this, I've assembled an A-team of Girls Chase coaches... PLUS a bevy of lovely, fetching 20-something gals I've handpicked to serve as your 'practice dates' to let you get this stuff DOWN.

The chats are real. The feedback is real. The coaching is deep.

And the dating learning curve you're on, once you're on this program, gets SLASHED in half (or even less).

Considerate Ultimatums for Romantic Relationships

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

considerate ultimatums
At times you'll hit an impasse with a long-term partner. You could breakup. You could submit to her desires. Or… you could give her an ultimatum, in a considerate way.

In relationship advice world, there is little more poorly regarded than the ultimatum.

Ultimatums are alternately floated as tools of heartless controllers, and of desperate weaklings clutching at straws. They are both tools of the too-strong and of the too-weak.

No healthy relationship could ever include such things, the experts say.

What the experts really mean is no equal relationship could contain such things.

What they rarely ever tell you is no relationship is ever 'equal'. There is always a party in the lead role -- it might be you, or it might be your gal.

The ultimatum, frankly, gets a bad rap.

While I agree you should compromise on what you reasonably can, there are indeed deal breaker issues you will encounter in every relationship.

And regardless what the experts say about compromise, sometimes compromise can't cut it. There simply is no compromise on some issues -- either things go how you want them to or they go how she does.

Perhaps you ought to just split up when that happens. Many couples do -- it's why the breakup rate and divorce rate are so sky high. Those who divorce their first spouses have an even higher chance of divorcing their second; and those who divorce their second a still higher chance of divorcing their third.

Perhaps there's another way to deal with deal breaker situations.

One in which you present an ultimatum, that is not a heartless ultimatum, but instead one where you get what you want, while trying your best to help her also get as close as possible to what she does too -- which often isn't always what she insists upon at first.

Is It Moral to Be a Hedonist?

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

is hedonism moral
Many guys who learn pickup and seduction struggle with the morality of living a hedonistic lifestyle. This is a legitimate dilemma, so let’s get philosophical.

Hey guys. Welcome back. Today I will take a step away from the technical posts and share more of a reflection.

Over the years, I've seen that the philosophy of picking up women and seduction is closely related to hedonism. Both defenders and critics have used the hedonist argument to both praise and criticize pickup.

Pickup is viewed as hedonistic because the element of pleasure, or more importantly, short-term sensual pleasure is central. Some, including our own Hector Castillo, have presented some solid analysis on the main blog and the forum.

I would like to give you my take on the subject. Honestly, I doubt my opinion will differ much from Hector’s, but I may add some different perspectives.

Some questions we will try to answer are:

Whether or not you agree with my points is irrelevant. The purpose of this post is to offer another perspective that may help you evaluate your values and perhaps even challenge your ethical system so that you may come out stronger.

How to 'Evoke' Touch with Girls in Clubs

Cody Lyans's picture

By: Cody Lyans

how to touch girls in clubs
A great way to initiate touch in a club is to make her anticipate and desire it before it happens. You can do this with your vibe, eye contact, body language, and more.

In my previous two articles, I discussed the right kind of touch and awareness you need when in a club. Today I’ll tell you how to combine these two ideas into moves so you can get physical with ease.

Here are those articles:

I’ve explained that women have an awareness radius of five meters or so and line of sight to areas like other sections of the club, walkways, bars, and entrances. Their awareness radius lets them track you (if they feel their tracking you will be interpreted positively by you and others). If you want to convey intent via subcommunication and body language cues, you need to give to her the impression that you favor the idea of her tracking you.

Combining this with the goal of touch becomes “creating an experience by evoking the sensation of touch through anticipation rather than contact.”

Interesting idea. But how is it accomplished?