Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Tactics Tuesdays: Bait-and-Switch Tension Pops

Chase Amante's picture
bait and switch tension popsWhen girls create unhelpful frames, use a bait-and-switch tension pop (a B&S pop). B&S pops build investment, seize the frame, and tease her all at once.

Have you ever done the thing where a girl was waiting with bated breath for what you were going to say, thinking it was some big, significant reveal…

… only for you to tell her something absurdly lame or mundane? And she just started laughing, maybe punched you in the arm or called you really bad, as ALL the tension in the air evaporated and the two of you were chill… perhaps there was even a little magical spark because of it?

Even if you haven’t, you’ve doubtless seen this tactic from time to time in shows and movies.

I call this technique the ‘bait-and-switch tension pop’. Or the B&S pop for short.

It’s a bait-and-switch (she THINKS she’s about to hear something profound from you… instead she gets something cheesy) that POPS whatever tension you’d built up with her.

It’s a niche tactic with a handful of excellent uses, and one worth keeping in your toolbox.

Seduce MORE Girls by Becoming a "Romantic Blank Slate"

Chase Amante's picture
romantic blank slateSure, you can tell girls all about you and get a girl here and there. Yet, to seduce MORE girls: become a blank slate women project their fantasies onto.

Your average, ordinary guy dreams of being able to seduce any woman in the world. He dreams of being able to do this by walking right up, saying the right things, and wooing women right off their feet.

However, this dream of his has one fatal flaw: it is that he imagines doing all of it while totally being himself.

You can’t pick up every woman by being yourself. A lot of women aren’t looking for ‘you’, with your unique personality, predilections, and set of interests and desires. Some women certainly are. Many, however, are not.

So if you go around advertising who you are and what you are in unequivocal terms, many women who are on the hunt for a man will decide you simply don’t match their criteria.

If you’re only on the hunt for supremely compatible girls, of course, then this is great! You won’t mind these rejections, because it’s merely a sign that you and the girl weren’t a fit.

If, on the other hand, you are after casting as broad a net as possible – enjoying as much success with women as possible – then you are not going to want to miss out on perfectly good lovers this way.

Thus, if the goal is indeed to seduce more women, instead of advertising yourself as this clearcut, exactingly defined man with very specific features who will only fit the desired types of a handful of the women he meets, you are going to want to do something else:

You are going to want to be the Romantic Blank Slate.

2-Set Escalation: Escalating a Seduction in a Set with Two Girls

Alek Rolstad's picture
two-set escalationGroups of two girls are common in nightlife. It can be hard to peel a girl off her one friend, though. Here’s how to escalate in front of her instead.

Hey guys and welcome back.

My most recent articles discussed two paradoxes. The first is to give both girls in a 2-set attention to maintain the hook. By doing so, you will face issues, such as running out of things to say, inflating your material, appearing like a dancing monkey, and creating jealousy and confusion because you are giving both girls attention. I provided solutions last week that deal with these issues.

The second paradox is that you will not have the ideal setting to escalate the vibe when you deal with a 2-set. But because you must escalate the vibe at some point (stagnation = the death of the interaction), you find yourself in a dilemma: do you escalate in a setting where you cannot escalate the vibe very well—or do you wait and risk stagnation?

And that’s the question we will resolve in this article. I will explain how to escalate the vibe sexually and intimately in 2-sets. Yes, it is more challenging than running 3-sets (or larger) as you can isolate and escalate more easily from bigger groups.

Finally, we will discuss how to seal the deal when dealing with groups of two.

Interested Body Language from Women (5 Pics)

Chase Amante's picture
interested body language from womenAn interested woman uses very different body language from an uninterested one. Yet many men read her signals wrong! Here’s how to read her properly.

How do you know if a girl is interested?

Her body language tells you so!

In this guide to reading women’s interested body language, we’ll take a look at five (5) different postures a woman can be in while with you and what each posture means.

Once you know what to look for, you’ll be a romantic mind reader – and won’t need to second guess the attraction of your date.

3 Reasons the Girl You Had a Great Connection with Disappeared

Chase Amante's picture
girl you had a connection with disappearedWhen you talk to a girl and feel an amazing connection, you expect it to be mutual, right? So why do girls you connect with just vanish? 3 reasons, and all of them are solvable.

I’ve been coaching guys on their love lives for over a decade-and-a-half now, yet this one mystifying complaint shows up again and again:

Why did this girl I had an amazing connection with disappear?

This problem perplexes men when it occurs. It seemingly defies all the rules of logic + sense! Great connection = want to see each other again… right?

So why the heck do girls you have a great connection with vanish?

In fact, there are THREE (3) common reasons this occurs – all of which aren’t things men normally consider as potential reasons a girl might ghost.

We’ll have a look at them all, and then we’ll talk what to do to avoid these boondoggles of connections happening to you.

How to Chat Up Two Girls (Dealing with 2-Sets)

Alek Rolstad's picture
chat up two girlsIt’s easy to stumble talking to two girls on your own. How do you run a two-girl set? The secret: a stronger hook… plus avoiding jealousy in the other girl.

Hey guys and welcome back.

Last week, I discussed running 2-sets—groups of two women when you are alone. With a wingman, theoretically, it’s more straightforward.

I also mentioned screening, looking for 2-sets that appear easy to deal with and those that are more difficult or impossible (hint: move on!) by assessing different screening factors.

And I went over a few tips and tricks for running 2-sets.

Today, we will delve further by discussing how to run 2-steps. This post continues last week’s post but also stands on its own. If you like, you may read this first, then last week’s post.

Both posts continue my older post on 2-sets. The advice in this post still applies, and I try not to repeat myself in these two posts. So, check out that post, as it covers the basics and strategies I do not mention here, such as the social proof strategy and the last-resort (ultimatum) strategy.

Today’s topic is how to run a 2-set, covering some theory first. Next week’s post will explore how to sexualize and seal the deal when running 2-sets.

How to Develop the Ladies Man's Killer Instinct

Chase Amante's picture
seducer's killer instinctTalented seducers have a kind of ‘killer instinct’: they seem to know what to do and when to get the girl. How did they develop this – and how can YOU?

On the forum, a member shared a report of a girl he pulled to his place, only for him to forget to sexualize things with her once back. Instead, he held an engaging, yet platonic, conversation with her. After some time passed, she departed on friendly terms – nothing intimate having taken place.

A second member in another report discussed a pair of dates he’d had with a girl. This girl had signaled strong sexual interest in him from the first date… but he had yet to make a move. He planned to have her at his house for a third date. He hoped to finally get up the gumption to make his move then.

All across seduction forums you can find stories like these. You can find them other places, too. A few months back I shared some tales from women talking about guys who’d moved too slow and how disappointed these women were. Most guys who eventually become skilled seducers are guilty of moving too slow and missing escalation windows plenty in their younger years, too. I certainly was. My early years were littered with lost lays, purely because I lacked the ‘killer instinct’ to make the move.

You should not be discouraged though.

The development of this instinct takes time.

Once you have it, it will begin to feel strange you ever once lacked it.

Tactics Tuesdays: Interest Loops

Chase Amante's picture
interest loopsAn interest loop is a tactic to intrigue a girl without giving her instant satisfaction. Instead you loop her into talking as she wonders what you’ll say.

Let’s have a quick look at combining interest bait with open loops – something we’ll dub ‘interest loops’. This is really only for intermediate and advanced socializers, but might still be an interesting read even if you’re not there yet.

As a recap, interest bait is anything you say that piques a girl’s interest in what you’ll say next or why you’re saying it. For instance, “You know who you remind me of?” or, “Can I ask you something persona?”

An open loop is a conversation thread you open, then leave open, while you switch over to another conversation thread. For instance, if you open a loop talking about your recent trip to California, then without closing that thread switch to having her tell you about her semester abroad in France. When the semester abroad thread ends, you can return to the California trip – or just open more loops.

The benefit of interest bait is its ability to intrigue girls who might otherwise not be tuned in (or even have one foot out of the interaction).

The benefit of open loops is that conversations feel ‘incomplete’ when they still have conversation threads left open… so you can keep a bunch of loops open and she’ll feel more committed to continuing the conversation.

So what happens if you combine interest bait with an open loop, creating what we’ll call interest loops?

9 Ways to Avoid "Last Minute Resistance" Before Sex with New Girls

Chase Amante's picture
avoid last minute resistanceUse these 9 ways to avoid last minute resistance from girls. Pick DTF girls, disqualify yourself as a BF, be a sexy ‘nUt’, + 6 more to have sex sans LMR.

Last minute resistance is the name we give to resistance women give in the bedroom as you begin to escalate to intimacy. i.e., resistance you encounter “at the last minute.”

Sometimes you’ll run a perfect seduction, with great vibes, an incredible connection, touch, the whole nine yards… only to get a girl back, and JUST when you’re about to seal the deal with her, she throws up a resistance wall!

She’s just not sure; it’s too soon; she doesn’t know you that well; she doesn’t do that anymore. She might move away from you physically or push your hands off.

You might be able to move her past this last minute resistance and get the girl in bed. Or you might not. Her resistance may end up being insurmountable for you. Perhaps you can get together with her another time… but most of the time if you begin escalating to intimacy, then fail to get there, you’ll never get another real chance with her again (no matter what she might say to you in the moment!).

To give yourself a surer shot at bedding the girl, there are steps you can take to avoid ever triggering LMR at all. Will you want to take them all? Do they all qualify with the girls you like?

I’m going to run through them here, in order of effectiveness:

Nine (9) different ways to avoid triggering last minute resistance from girls you hope to sleep with.