7 Ways to Touch a Girl + 3 Ways to Have HER Touch YOU.

Ever find yourself wondering how to touch a girl in a smooth, natural, normal way? Ever find yourself wondering how to get girls to touch you?


By: Chase Amante

May 22, 2019

In the article on cognitive dissonance, a reader asks the following:

A girl

Now in my head during this conversation one of the single girls moved her leg under the table to rest against my leg and turned to say "I'm sorry" but before she could I raised my eyebrows in a flirty way of saying "Sure, put your leg on mine." Which I found quite ironic but then it got me thinking...

How can a guy not come across as "over touchy/trying to force/awkward" and more on the side of getting her thinking positive thoughts?

Like this commenter points out, the problem you run into with things you're inexperienced in is, they often feel forced.

And when touch feels forced... it feels really awkward.

And awkward is not really all that attractive.

So, in this article, we're going to have a look at seven (7) ways to touch a girl that she'll respond to and enjoy, and three (3) ways you can easily get her to take the initiative and touch you first.

Touching Girl: The Basics

Touching Girl: The Basics
Touching Girl: The Basics

First off, before we get into talking about touch... does touch even matter?

As a matter of fact, it does. As Ricardus talked about in his article on how to touch women, the simple act of your body coming in contact with hers causes the release of the hormone oxytocin into her blood, a trust and bonding chemical.

But that's not all:

The effect of touch on compliance to a request has traditionally been tested with small solicitation (answer to a small questionnaire, give a dime to a confederate ….). In our experiment a larger request was evaluated. Passersby, 53 men and 67 women, were asked by two confederates to look after a large and very excited dog for 10 minutes because each wanted to go into a pharmacy where animals were prohibited. In half of the cases, subjects were touched during the request. Analysis showed that, when touched, 55% of the subjects agreed with the request whereas 35% only in the no-touch control condition agreed. This finding indicates that touch was positively associated with the subjects’ compliance (p<.03).

That's from the research paper "An evaluation of touch on a large request: A field setting," published by Nicolas Guéguen and Jacques Fischer-Lokou in the journal Psychological Reports in 2002.

The finding in layman's terms equaled a 57% increase in the chances of someone agreeing to a request when that request was accompanied by touch, even when the request was coming from complete strangers.

And from "Courtship compliance: The effect of touch on women's behavior," again by Nicolas Guéguen, this time published in 2007 in Social Influence:

Previous research has shown that light tactile contact increases compliance to a wide variety of requests. However, the effect of touch on compliance to a courtship request has never been studied. In this paper, three experiments were conducted in a courtship context. In the first experiment, a young male confederate in a nightclub asked young women to dance with him during the period when slow songs were played. When formulating his request, the confederate touched (or not) the young woman on her forearm for 1 or 2 seconds. In the second experiment, a 20-year-old confederate approached a young woman in the street and asked her for her phone number. The request was again accompanied by a light touch (or not) on the young woman's forearm. In both experiments, it was found that touch increased compliance to the man's request. A replication of the second experiment accompanied with a survey administered to the female showed that high score of dominance was associated with tactile contact. The link between touch and the dominant position of the male was used to explain these results theoretically.

Here, the findings were that men got more "yes"es asking women to dance and trying to get a girl's phone number when these efforts were accompanied by touch.

The reason why, Guéguen found, was that the women touched by the men regarded these men as more attractive. And, as we discussed in "How Much Do Looks Matter for Romantic Success?," perceived physical dominance (i.e., touching) is a major attraction trigger.

If you want to look like an attractive dominant man, just touch a girl.

What Do Beginners Need to Know About Touch?

Here are the ground rules of touch that all beginners need to make sure they know (and stick to):


Her upper arm, elbow, and the small of her back are best. At least when you're just getting started. Touching these areas is the easiest to do, won't come across too sexual by accident at the wrong times, and will allow you to learn touching easily. Touch her elbow or upper arm while making point; place your hand on her lower back while showing her something with your other hand, or if she's moves herself very close to you in a side-by-side position.


Don't touch her face (too soon). People can be very sensitive about being touched on the face, unless they're very comfortable with you. A good way of thinking about it is this: she's probably more comfortable with you touching her breasts or butt than she is with you touching her face. Don't do this unless she's extremely at ease with you.


Touch soon into talking to her. Take her hand when you first meet her (don't shake it, like you would a man... just take it, and hold her hand for a moment in yours, almost as if you were about to bend down and kiss it... but probably don't actually kiss it). Touch her intermittently as you talk. The longer you go into talking to a girl without touching her, the weirder it gets - get it out of the way ASAP, and make it a common, normal part of your interaction.


Touching on a high point is easy and good. She's laughing? Laugh too - and touch her. Touching on high points - she's laughing, she's agreeing with you, she's smiling a big smile - anchors her positive emotions to your touch - making her come to subconsciously associate touching you with feeling good (and for obvious reasons, refrain from touching her when she's angry and/or upset). A high point touch can be cupping her elbow in your hand as she laughs, or it can be putting your hand on hers for emphasis at just the right moment - like George Clooney's character does with Jennifer Lopez's in this clip:


Don't look at your hand. One of the (rather funny) things men inexperienced with touching girls tend to do is look at their hands while touching a girl. If you want an easy way to creep a girl out, just look at your hand as you touch her. Staring at your hand touching her is a surefire way to make things feel very forced and unnatural - the good news being, of course, that all you have to do if you're doing this to make it feel a whole lot MORE natural when you touch a girl is don't look at your hand.


Be close to her when you touch. The other thing that can make touch awkward - aside from making eye contact with your hand instead of with her - is if touch comes from too far away. Imagine reach across a table to touch a girl on a high point... feels pretty weird, right? Feels even more weird to her. Get close - then touch. And when you're talking to a girl you like, you should be close anyway - there's no reason for standing far away like a pair of strangers when you'd like to be something more than that. Get inside her personal space if you want a personal relationship.


The more (natural-feeling) touch, the better. Touch communicates physical dominance and triggers sexual tension between you and a girl quicker and more easily than almost anything else you can do as a beginner. When you're still inexperienced at creating a sexual vibe, touch is the easy shortcut to making her excited and preventing her from thinking about you as "just a friend."


... just don't go overboard. As mentioned in "Mastering Sexual Touch," it's important you stay away from venturing into touching women too sexually or intimately until you're alone with them. Touch a girl intimately too early, and she's liable to crest emotionally too early - then crash (and lose interest in you). Instead, keep her in suspense until you're ready to pull the trigger.

Don't make touch a big deal, and it won't be.

Just touch her arm, elbow, or lower back, don't look at your hand (look into her eyes and continue conversation as normal), and make sure you're close when you touch.

Touching Girls and Excitement Levels

Usually, the more you touch a girl, the more excited she's going to get... up to a point.

  • It's important that you're aware of escalation windows and attraction's expiration date. Attraction will peak as you touch her more and more, but if she starts really wanting something to happen - some progress, for you to kiss her, for you to make love to her - and this doesn't happen, she'll start going cold, into auto-rejection, and lose interest in you.
  • An easy way to think about touching girls is like this:

    Touch is an attraction amplifier and a progress accelerator - it makes her more attracted to you, faster, but also puts more pressure on you to keep things moving fast so she doesn't get frustrated and lose interest.
  • Anytime you make someone want something - and if you're doing an even somewhat good job with touch, you will make women want you - you've got to be wary of making them want something so bad that, when nothing happens for too long, they end up thinking you're just a tease and are going to leave them hanging, and they get upset and storm off.
  • This is one of the weirdest things you will experience when you're new to touching girls - women losing patience with you and leaving in disgust.
  • It isn't because they didn't like you.
  • It's because they liked you a LOT... but you didn't back up all that touch with action (moving things forward).
  • The solution to this, of course, is when you start seeing it happen - move faster.

Ways to Touch And Be Touched

Ways to Touch And Be Touched
Ways to Touch And Be Touched

Now that you have a foundational understanding on how to touch a girl, let's get you doing some advanced stuff.s

In this section, we'll discuss:

An icon
The 4 Different Kinds of Touch
An icon
The 4 Different Kinds of Touch
An icon
The 4 Different Kinds of Touch

The 4 Different Kinds of Touch

In "4 Ways for Touching Women" we took a cursory perusal of the different kinds of touch. These are:

  • Incidental Touch
  • Protective Touch
  • Romantic Touch
  • Sexual Touch

Each touch is expressed in different ways, and is best used in different situations. Here's how they break down:

Incidental Touch:

Incidental is your bread-and-butter touching. This is the touching you'll be doing with women incidentally, throughout your interactions with them. It's the touch you do on high points, and the touch you do while demonstrating things, and the touch you do almost by accident as a product of sheer proximity. Incidental is used to get her acclimated to your touch. Forms of incidental touch include:

Incidental Touch
  • Touching her upper arm while making a point.
  • Touching her stomach with your finger while talking.
  • Lifting her wrist up to inspect the bracelet she has on.
  • Cupping her elbow briefly while talking to her.
  • Resting your leg against hers as you sit very near one another.
Protective Touch

Protective Touch:

Protective you'll use when leading or guiding a woman, though crowds, traffic, or in other chaotic or risky situations. This style of touch helps women to feel "safer" and more protected around you, and allows them to relax around you - and trust in your guidance and leadership more. Some examples of this are:

  • Placing your hand on her back while guiding her.
  • Putting your arm out in front of her to stop her stepping into the street.
  • Placing your coat or scarf around her to keep her warm.
  • Holding her hand while taking her through a crowd.
  • Putting your arm around her shoulders while walking outside.

Romantic Touch:

This is the kind of touch you'll be doing once she's very comfortable with you and is completely open to you touching her - normally, once a fair bit of incidental and protective touch has already been established as your pattern of interaction with her. When you touch a girl romantically, you bring her emotions for you to an even higher peak, and get her even more ready for things to progress. Romantic touch includes such things as:

Romantic Touch
  • Holding her hand or hands.
  • Lightly putting your fingertip on her nose.
  • Kissing her (kissing is romantic touch).
  • Stroking her head or hair.
  • Running your hand over her cheek or chin.
Sexual Touch

Sexual Touch:

As mentioned earlier, you won't want to start engaging in sexual touch until you're somewhere alone together - otherwise, it's like cooking dinner two hours too early - by the time it's finally time to get down to business, everything's gone cold. Sexual touch are all the sexually exciting forms of touch that prepare a woman for intercourse, including:

  • Touching her inner thighs.
  • Rubbing her breasts and genitals.
  • Biting or nibbling on any part of her.
  • Placing your hand on her butt.
  • Kissing her neck or other parts of her body besides the mouth.

Wrapping up How to Touch a Girl

So what's good about touch? Well, we know that:

  • Touch causes the release of oxytocin, a bonding and trust-forming chemical.
  • Touch significantly increases individuals' willingness to make investment.
  • Women find men who touch more physically dominant, and thus attractive.

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Prifile picture
Women commanding Men and Rejection Rates
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Hey Chase, this article is very insightful as are all the articles on this site.In the video Jennifer Lopez commands George Clooney to sit down,is this a test,how do you respond when a women try's to command you?

Is there a difference in percentage of rejections between night game (bars and clubs) and day game in your experience?What is a good rejection rate to strive for in both venues?

I’ve only done day game up until this point because it feels more relaxed and comfortable to me,and I have a feeling that rejections in night clubs have more of a sting and are more frequent.

Prifile picture
Responding to Commands / Rejection Rates`
Posted by Chase Amante on Tuesday, 11 June 2013


When a woman commands you, assuming you're going to go along with the command and not brush it off, the best response is what Clooney did in that video - simply accept quietly without objecting or making a fuss about it, and move to the next thing. The less of a big deal you make it, the lower effort complying with the command appears, and the less investment you seem to be making, so you lose little and appear more in control (than, say, a guy who objects, then complies, or a guy who jokes around, then complies).

Rejection rates in day and night game vary quite widely depending on the guy, his style, his approach, the venue, etc. For instance, you can get an almost 0% rejection rate if you use the old PUA "I need a female opinion" opener... but that also means you're going to end up getting into conversations with a lot of women who aren't interested in you at all. If you're not getting rejected, you're probably coming in too soft/weak, and women are being overly nice - including the women who aren't attracted to you. Alternately, you can come across so strong that EVERYBODY rejects you (just about) - e.g., the old "stand at a bus stop and ask every girl who comes along if she wants to have sex." The only women who will respond will be the ones who are already incredibly interested in you.

Night game rejections are a bit different from daytime rejections - you'll get more confused / "Oh, huh?" rejections during the daytime, and more "That's nice, but I'm not interested" type rejections at night. It's pretty rare you'll get an outright harsh rejection, unless you're coming across extremely strong, even at night - occasionally you'll run into women who are really trying to show off about how powerful they are to their friends by snubbing you hard, but those are usually only the midrange caliber looks girls, so as long as you're aiming higher than the middle of the pack it usually won't happen.

Nighttime rejections tend to happen a lot more as the night progresses and women get more and more sloppy drunks hitting on them - if you want to try out night game and want as warm a reception with as little chance of a harsh rejection as possible, start early in the night when everybody's still sober and women are as open to meeting new people as they're usually going to get (save the girls who are really horny and get really drunk - those girls can get substantially more open later in the night, but there's usually also a ton of competition for them, too, and you've really got to be on your A-game... if you're even interested in a really horny drunk girl).


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