3 Simple Tips to Make Your Approaches Powerful | Girls Chase

3 Simple Tips to Make Your Approaches Powerful

Chase Amante

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Daniel Adebayo's picture

approach tips
Hold your eye contact, don’t approach head-on, and let her see you first: 3 quick, simple, important elements of every good approach.

I’d like to say a few words about approaching women (the very first segment of the seduction process). There’s an abundance of technicalities that concern what needs to be done in the latter parts of the process, but it’s also very important to discuss the specifics of the approach.

Because the way you approach her sets the tone for the entire seduction.

That’s right, approaching her in a sloppy and uncalibrated manner will result in you setting a bad precedent for the entire seduction – something you will probably have to fight uphill and recover from as things progress. And who wants to be doing that when they could instead be delivering the juice to a much more receptive girl?

Therefore, it’s safe to assume that if you approach her correctly, you’ll be taking a necessary first step to ensure that the remainder of the seduction proceeds smoothly.

So here are three (3) tips that will help you avoid some very common slip-ups and get things going in the smoothest way possible.


Kevin Bogard's picture

Hey Daniel,

Thanks for the great article!
Just have two questions for you, about daygame.
1.What are your thoughts on pre-opening where you basiclaly touch girls before opening them to let them looking at you first? Do you ever use it yourself?
2.What is the opener you usually use?

Thanks in advance,


Daniel Adebayo's picture

Glad you enjoyed the article. . .

1. On touch, I'd only use this form of pre-opener if I can make the touch seem "accidental" so causally brushing her with my elbow, or gently knocking her foot with mine in a busy bar or nightclub would be viable. It's not something I'd employ or recommend for day-game.

2. I generally use situational openers, so the specifics of the opener will vary from situation to situation. As a general rule though, I open with something light and causal that won't be out of place to say, given the situation. For example at a bookstore I go with "Is that book any good?" Then from that point I'll transition into dropping some bait with the purpose generating intrigue, to hook her in. (Example: "Nice, I've been looking to get a good book now that I'm done unpacking." - This right here is baiting her to ask "Oh where did you move from?" or "Where are you from?" And if she doesn't ask immediately, I've got more bait I can make use of to get her to the point where she can't help but ask.) My very first article on GirlsChase goes into more details on this topic.

- Daniel

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