Female Mind | Page 19 | Girls Chase

Female Mind

A look into the way women see love, life, lust, and relationships.

Are Women Intimidated by You? You Might Be Surprised

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

intimidate women
Men often think women don't like them for something unrelated. When in fact 'she's intimidated by you' is often the true cause of women's reserve.

Do you intimidate women?

Might you intimidate women even if you think you don't?

For years, a professionally successful friend of mine has struggled with women. He's a tall guy with a healthy bank account, a good head on his shoulders, and a rugged ex-Marine Corps background. On top of all that, he's studied game under many of the more notable seduction gurus that have come and gone.

This friend does direct day game, and everyone who's gone out with him tells me his game is very solid. It's no problem for him to attract attractive (and often much younger) women. He has little difficulty to get them out onto dates either. Many of them come home to his place after, and often he's able to kiss them and begin the escalation.

But there his efforts stop. Because almost every single woman he ends up this far with (and he gets this far with lots of girls) puts the brakes on hard and leaves. He can go almost a year without sleeping with a new girl sometimes, despite bringing girl after girl to his place and getting to the kiss.

He's tried taking it slow and stretching things out across multiple dates. He's tried going for it in one date. He tried an exercise I gave him, where his mission was to invite one girl home each day for 30 days, including women he'd just met on the street. It surprised him how easy it was to get girls back to his place -- yet none of these girls he pulled home slept with him.

He's tried technique after technique, method after method. He's tried abandoning seduction techniques and focusing on the gym or clothes or other physical attractive qualities. He's tried everything. He's mystified myself and a few other very experienced friends too... purely by dumb luck a guy who pulls as many women home as he does should sleep with one of them at least accidentally. But almost every single seduction of his ends the same way.

In the end though, it turned out there was one thing above all he had to fix.

Once he fixed it, he finally cleared his final hurdle to getting together with women he wanted.

That one thing was intimidate women less -- a problem he did not even realize he had.

3 Things That Get Women to Have Sex FAST

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

Get Women to Have Sex FAST
If you want to take women to bed fast, here’s how to set a sexual tone and get them horny and in the sheets – or a convenient bathroom stall – lickety split.

Many years ago, I was practicing my pickup skills in this bar in Montreal, and I ran into two guys – Tall Guy and Short Guy. They were leaning up against the wall looking cool, scanning the room, and occasionally nodding at each other. Recognizing them as fellow hunters in search of women for fast sex, I went over and said, “What’s up?”

“Oh, we’re just practicing,” Short Guy replied.

“Practicing what?” I asked.

Eye contact. Vibe. How about you?”

“I’m here to pick up chicks.”

They nodded their heads and tipped their fedoras in approval (I’m serious. This was 2007. Pickup dudes wore fedoras).

“Question?” I asked.


“Have you guys approached any girls yet?”

“What? Oh no, we don’t approach. We let them approach us.”

“Really?” I said, shocked that there was some magic new technique I hadn’t heard of yet.

“Yeah, man,” Tall Guy said. “It’s way better when they approach you.”

“Sooo,” I said skeptically, “have any girls approached you yet?”

“No, man. Not yet. But they will. These things take time.”

Confused but fascinated, I stood back for a few minutes and watched their method. If this was true and there really was a “they approach you” approach, I needed to learn and master it. It would make life so much easier. It would feel like I was in Fall Out Boy.

So, I stood at the bar twiddling my thumbs for a few more minutes and quickly grew bored. I wandered out onto the small dance floor and tried high-fiving a few girls, but they ignored me. I said something to another girl, and she ignored me, too.

Being ignored has always failed to deter my seductive ambitions, so I tried again and again, not having a clue what I was saying, only hoping one of these pretty creatures would give me a shot. Eventually, after about twelve tries, one did. We started dancing, then grinding, then kissing and making out. As I left the bar with her, I looked back at the two fedora-tipping masters (who were still womanless), who gave me a wave and a thumbs-up.

12 Limiting Beliefs Men Have About Women

Chase Amante's picture

limiting beliefs
If you have one of these beliefs about women, it's holding you back... and you probably don't even realize it.

Each man sees the world in a different way.

Some of the differences between how one man sees the world and how the next one does are slight. Other differences, though, are extreme.

If a man holds the right beliefs, he unshackles himself to achieve success beyond his most fantastic hopes and dreams. If he holds beliefs that limit him though, he may stumble into great ravines on the road to wish fulfillment... or he may chain himself fast, so that he never starts on the road to fulfillment at all.

There are four types of limiting beliefs men hold:

  1. Inaccessibility ("I can't get/have what I want")

  2. Over-accessibility ("I can have that whenever I want")

  3. Transience ("Once I have it, I'm destined to lose it")

  4. Permanence ("Once I have it, or someone else does, it's forever")

Those beliefs boil down into two dimensions: one of accessibility, and the other of transience/permanence.

The most accurate belief sets abandoned these extremes. Men who succeed most stop thinking about the world in terms of the blacks and whites of beliefs like these, and view it as a vast world of gray -- a promising world of gray, with boundaries and limitations, but where most things are achievable, though not always easy.

Today we're going to talk about 12 common limiting beliefs men have about women and dating. Hang onto these beliefs, you'll make costly mistakes, or never get far with women at all. Wouldn't it be neat though, to be free of these beliefs -- and free to meet the women you want, date them how you want, and get success with them that seems out of reach to most other men?

The best way to overturn limiting beliefs is through action, because action is where you put your beliefs to the test -- and find out which hold up, and which do not. We'll talk about this below too.

We'll begin with one of the most common limiting beliefs: that girls like that are simply too hot for you.

Women Are Emotional (But Not Irrational) – The Method Behind the Madness

Hector Castillo's picture

Women Are Emotional But Not Irrational
Think women are crazy? If so, it’s probably because you’ve dated one. Fact is, beneath their seemingly emotional disarray, you’ll find a high level of rationality.

Men like to complain about how emotional and irrational women are. We even hear many of those claims in the seduction community and its neighboring communities – e.g., the Manosphere, the Red Pill community, etc.

“Women are feelz before realz.”

“Chick logic.”

Some of these guys even brand women children who are incapable of making adult decisions based on logic and reason. Here at Girls Chase, we know better.

Women are emotional, but not irrational. In fact, they are far more rational than you can imagine – when it comes to what’s important.

Put another way, women are guided by their emotions, but that doesn’t lead them to make as many stupid decisions as you might think. That’s the real accusation behind men calling women “irrational,” isn’t it? That they are less capable of making sound decisions?

Let’s be clear – there is some truth to the claim that women are less rational than men. Men are the leaders of our species, better equipped to make hard decisions like where to eat dinner or how to defeat an army. But when it comes to sexual selection, women are vastly more competent than men. That’s why 80% of women in history have reproduced, whereas for men, that figure is below 40%.

The emotion-based behavior of women leads them to be vastly more successful at sexual selection than men, which makes them highly rational, since sexual selection is one of the most important decisions – perhaps the most important – that any human can make.

Thus, I would argue that women are not irrational. They’re simply designed for different purposes than men and perform their purpose well because of their emotional nature.

How to Treat Ghosts, Flakes, and Rejections from Girls

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

ghosts flakes and rejections
Do you get WAY more rejections than dates? Well, it’s the same for even the best seducers. Here’s how treating rejection differently can help.

Violets are blue, roses are red, without many options, seduction is dead.

I’m a true poet.

How familiar is this day-game situation? You approach a girl, give her a compliment, talk for a few minutes, get her number, text a few times, ask her out, and… nothing. She just answers “lol”, changes the subject, or flitters away like a pretty ghost.

It feels like a diss, doesn’t it? After all, you had the guts to approach her. You spent months, perhaps years, learning how to do this – to overcome your shyness, your approach anxiety. To improve everything from your appearance and body language to your worldview and lifestyle!

And she doesn’t care. Not one bit. She didn’t even ask you a single question about yourself. How dare she. You spent thousands of dollars on self-help, seminars, books, and online courses. You learned to meditate, increase your income, and build world-class social skills.

And she flakes. It’s like you’ve reverted to a San Francisco street turd.

Just last week, I went to a gay pride parade and met this lovely creature. Long, black hair down to her bum. Wide, full lips. Big, expressive eyes. I reached out my hand and she placed hers in it. I pulled her in and said, “You’re something, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” she nodded, her body pressed against mine, eyes staring straight into mine. A minute of conversation, and we kissed. Approaches don’t get much better than this.

It was “you had me at hello” game.

We were going on separate paths, so I got her number. I got home, still a bit giddy from that post-flirtation high. That evening, I texted her. Nine hours later, she replied with “Haha.” The lowest investment reply possible. So, I waited eight hours and texted her again. No reply. No “Sorry I’m not interested” or “Maybe another time.” Just annoying silence.

And I still haven’t heard from her.

Do not waste yourself in rejection; do not bark against the bad but chant the beauty of the good.
Ralph Waldo Emerson


“But Tony, you’re supposed to be a Grand Master Jedi Puuaah! No girls flake on real Pooooass!”

Yeah, girls flake on me, ignore me, diss me – just like you and every guru, coach, and player I know. No matter how tight your game is, most women just won’t be interested or available. They might humor you or amuse themselves at your expense, but they won’t go home with you or ever see you again. That’s just the cold reality of the game. Sniff.

But there’s some girl out there who’s down. She’s very down. It’s your job to find her. That’s why numbers matter. The more leads you have, the better your odds.

11 Ways Women Express Interest that Most Guys Miss

Chase Amante's picture

express interest
Women use subtle ways to express their interest. Keep an eye out for these 11 signs though, and women's subtle signals become clear as day.

Women express interest in men in all sorts of subtle ways. Much of the time, you may not even pick up on the signs... or you may have a vague sense she's interested, but not be sure.

It's a common thing for a guy to think maybe a girl's interested, but actually you're not sure, so you let her go... only to realize later on that, yep, she was definitely interested -- and you missed your shot.

In the list below, we'll lay out 11 of the more subtle ways women use to express interest in you. Once armed with these, you won't have to wonder if "maybe she is." You'll know when you've spotted one of the signs -- and can proceed with her accordingly.

Let's start with #1.

Does Good Seduction Game Actually Work to Attract Women?

Tony Depp's picture

does seduction game attract women
Does having good game impact whether a girl will be attracted to you? Short answer: yes, if she allows it to. A few key factors influence whether or not she will.

It’s newbie question time!

Hi, Tony.

I’m very curious about predictable patterns you’ve noticed in women’s behavior that they exhibit immediately after you act a certain way towards them or use certain techniques on them at the right time. For example, after you pass their screens, get past their resistance, or qualify them at the right time, they stop controlling some of their attraction for you.

Their compliance threshold increases and they’re overall more open to moving forward with you. Just how much does this compliance threshold increase on average, and how long do you have to take advantage of it before it decreases? And have you noticed women saying relatively the same thing during this time? Do they actively try to build similarity with you? 

Hope that made sense. Thanks for taking questions!

Okay, I’m going to break this down from nerd-speak into plain English.

“I’m very curious about predictable patterns you’ve noticed in women’s behavior that they exhibit immediately after you act a certain way towards them or use certain techniques on them at the right time.

Translation: “Does game actually work?”

Yes, it does, if the woman allows it to. There must be some minuscule amount of attraction locked away deep in her heart. It may have alarm bells, locked doors, and security guards. If this is the case, it’s your job as the seducer to break in and steal it.

The Late-Date-Half-Flake: Sometimes This Is Why She Flakes

Varoon Rajah's picture

late dates and half flakes
Sometimes a girl will flake because she sees you as unattainable or as too high or low value. Here’s how to react, pass her tests, and get her to show up.

We were supposed to meet at 7 for drinks one weekday evening.

I sent her an anti-flake text at 11:10am that said “See you tonight, lady,” to which she did not respond. I showed up at the venue at 6:05 and didn’t see her anywhere.

I sent another: “Just got here.” Then I waited. I knew what was happening. I didn’t hear from her until 7:20.

“Hey! Sorry – lost track of time, such a busy day. I’m just going to shower quickly and then I’ll head over that way.”

We were going to have drinks about five minutes walking distance from her own apartment.

By the time she showed up, it was 8:45. In the meantime, I chatted with my buddies on my laptop, had a beer, and wrote about 1000 words of this article.

She arrived about two hours late and apologized profusely, but I could tell she was nervous as hell, and I knew why.

We didn’t go home together that night, but it’s only because she didn’t see me as attainable for what she was looking for at the time, and I ended up being too needy in my behavior. However, up to that point, everything was handled.

You might be asking, “Why in the world would Varoon wait almost two hours for a girl to show up to a date? I’d probably have left after about fifteen minutes.” Normally, if a girl is that late, I’ll just text her, reschedule, and preserve my own time.

However, this situation was completely different because the core issue in the girl’s behavior was my attainability, not my value. Just understanding that required a completely different strategy to handle the issue and preserve my chances. This girl knew my value and thus wanted to slow-play the dating process. To get her, I realized I had to play into that.

2 Reasons Women Create Drama in Relationships (and How to Fix Things)

Hector Castillo's picture

relationship drama end fights
Relationship insecurity and loss of respect are common culprits when women create drama. Here’s how to identify the root of the issue and nip it in the bud.

The drama is never done with your girlfriend. There will always be drama, regardless of whether you did anything to annoy her, anger her, or make her feel insecure.

If you’re running the relationship well, drama will be low. You run a relationship well by providing her with good dick and enough adventure to satisfy her. You maintain her respect by being a man with pride and self-respect and by making her feel secure that you won’t randomly leave her without due cause.

Of course, her personality and propensity for anxiety, depression, anger, jealousy, and other drama-causing emotions play a huge role in how often she starts drama. That’s why picking a girl carefully is paramount for a healthy long-term relationship.

Nevertheless, you will eventually do something to upset her or she’ll be upset about something in her life and it will make her over-sensitive to normally acceptable behavior – then she’ll take it out on you.

This is fine. Drama is good. Without drama, we’d get bored. My primary reactions to drama are annoyance or anger – but occasionally, I enjoy it. The ups and downs addict us. Plus, it’s fun to watch her get horny when you win an argument. It’s great when she was mad at you but she’s forgiven you for something – you may be a bastard, but you’re her bastard.

However, you need to know how to finish drama. And one tip that will save you a lot of frustration is this: drama isn’t usually over after one fight – or even one discussion.

If the drama was anything beyond a small misunderstanding, it might take two, three, or even more talks to settle the fire, and days could pass between each discussion. You’ll think everything is fine, that you solved the issue, but then a few days later, you’ll notice she’s in a mood, and you’ll ask yourself, “What did I do now?” You’ll wonder and wonder, then prod and prod, asking her what’s up. You’ll get the infamous “nothing” response. Then you keep nagging.

Yes, keep nagging. Don’t let her get away with answering “nothing” when it’s clearly something. That will show you to be insensitive to her emotions, which makes her feel like you don’t understand her. It’s your job as a boyfriend to take care of her emotions. You’re her lover and, in some ways, her father.

If a girlfriend won’t spit it out, I’ll say to her, “Okay, we’ll I’ve asked multiple times now and you won’t tell me what’s wrong. Later, if you tell me something was wrong, I’m going to be pissed. This is your chance.” Usually, she will tell me at this point. If she doesn’t and complains about something later, I’ll have morally righteous anger on my side, which is very powerful in drama.

“Woman, I told you…”

Works like a charm.

Once you find out what’s wrong, it’s time to deal with the problem. This is done in two steps.

When Psycho Women Leave Stuff at Your Place

Alek Rolstad's picture

psychos leaving stuff at your place
Most of the time, it’s by accident, but some women leave stuff at guys’ places with ulterior motives... and not good ones. Here’s how to tell, and what to do about it.

Hey, welcome back.

Today, I will cover some more overall seduction-related subjects that apply to all of you, whether you meet women online, during the day, or at night.

This may be also relevant for those of you who are into building relationships with women, whether long- or short-term, casual, or significant.

You’ve probably experienced women “forgetting” stuff at your place. It is not uncommon, especially if they like you. But before I go any further, you may be thinking, “Why is this a subject I should pay attention to? Is this a problem that needs solutions?”

Even though some of you might think it’s cute that women forget their earrings back at your place, I believe you should be on guard. There are two things possibly at play here:

  • Major red flags

  • The beginning of a stream of manipulation attempts

I will go deeper into why you should be careful with this in a moment. This is an issue, and the experience that I will share here matches those of many other top seducers.

However, I know some others may disagree, especially with the assumption that women who forget stuff are psychos or “damaged goods”. That is a fair objection, as there are exceptions – girls genuinely forgetting something at your place, for instance!

Additionally, this is all derived from my own personal experience, which could easily differ from the observation of other experienced seducers. Anyway, if this happens to be the case, I would love to hear their take on it.