The Contrapposto Pose


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Fundamentals are important. GC recommends improving your walk, posture, facial expressions, and so much more in order to become more attractive to women.

But one fundamental that GC does not cover is standing. It's equally as important in the rest, in my opinion. Think about how much you stand on a daily basis. It's probably a lot. And, you're probably standing when talking to girls! So why not take the time to make the way you stand look sexy and cool?

Improving the way you stand has to do with the position of your feet on the ground, and where the weight in your body is centred.

The Contrapposto Pose

One technique of standing you should definitely try out is called The Contrapposto Pose. The wikipedia article I just linked to teaches you how to do it, and shows some great pictures of what it looks like. I have a hard time trying to explain it, so I'm just gonna let you know its benefits:

1. It makes you look relaxed (in reality, it actually gets pretty uncomfortable to hold all your weight on one leg for a long time, so you can't do it for too long)
2. It makes you look more approachable

The Celebrity Pose

Another way to stand is called The Celebrity Pose. I just made up the name. Admittedly, it's easy to overdo this one to the point where it looks you're actually TRYING to stand that way. In other words...tryhard. But do it right, you're going to come off as a little intimidating and cool as fuck. You'll feel pretty cool too.

Chase has a pretty good example in his article here under the subsection, "The Entrance Pose." See the picture? I recommend turning the left foot in the same direction as the right foot.

What Now?

That's it that's all. Next time you're out in the world, check out how people are standing and take some notes.