You've hosted a party... and it sux


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2018
Hey guys, question to party hosters :D

I've read this article, it says basically everything... except for what to do when the party sux.

I see myself as a chill, cool guy with good fundamentals, and I'm still improving, but hosting parties is what scares the shit out of me :D

I've hosted few parties in my life, but they were very uneven (one party had 5 guests, other 60 :D).

Any advice on handling stuff, where despite the efforts, party is stiff or people didn't come?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

This might not be relevant to United States demographics but whatever. Here's my notes

- Friends (tools/resources)
- Friends (investment/compliance)
- you can be good with fundamentals, but if you suck at advertising/talk big about how big your cock is

But it has a deeper problem. Which is those 3 above.

1)Friends (tools/resources)
IF you don't have friends who are 'tools', you gonna fail. No man is an island. And also, this is how women operate, right? Tools motherfucker. Tools. (it's nothing personal. :X Okay, sorry about the painbody)

2)Friends (investment/compliance)
If you do not have right hand man, you just gonna have a hard time. You can't do everything.

3)Fundamentals doesn't equal shit if you are the host in parties. Value is

Yea, you good with fundamentals. Okay, now i need something in your parties. Whether that's girls or i heard you talk about 10 million girls sucking your cock and there's a chance that 1 of those girls might suck mine.

That *points above* is the psychology of most people.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Until you've built up a consistent and strong network throwing parties can be hit or miss, especially with last minute parties.

If you plan a few weeks ahead usually people that like you will clear out their schedules to make sure they make your banger.

Always invite quality first, then quantity. A pregame with 10 really cool people will be way more fun than a fiesta 50 average joes and shit heads.

Let's say you invite 40 people and only 6 show up. Roll with it, make sure YOU are having a good time, and rub that off on other people. Make plans for a bar later on and keep things moving. You want to make a memorable experience, in one way or another. If you show those 6 a good time, you better believe they'll have even more of a blast when you actually do throw that 40-70 people party.

If the party is just stiff in general, again, have a good time and radiate that. Get some different games going. Go up to people who aren't talking too much and energize them with conversation.

Be the hostess with the mostest (and mimosest *cocktail emoji*) (;
