Men Style | Page 8 | Girls Chase

Men Style

men's style

The ONE THING That Drives Women Crazy Above All Else (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

What is the single most attractive quality that women see in a man?

You probably won’t guess it.

It’s not money. It’s not looks. It’s not height. It’s not a big dick. It’s not charm. It’s not intelligence.

Confused yet?

You’ll see, and I’ll explain.

Give More Control to Your Dick... and Win!

Tony Depp's picture

When I was a wee horny teenager, there was this girl who would come to my school to play volleyball. I’ll call her Bam Bam. I was smitten by Bam Bam. I literally heard the song “Why do birds suddenly appear…” every time she was near. But I didn’t have the balls to approach her.

Then I changed schools and there she was standing before me. Her friends had become my friends. In a state of shock, I asked her if she wanted to “go out” with me. She shrugged her shoulders and said, “Sure!” Easy enough, right? It wasn’t a technique. I was just so horny, I thought I’d explode. I had no clue what else to do but ask her out.

After that, it took years for me to have the balls to ask another girl out. Approach anxiety and the fear of rejection were overwhelming. But eventually, there was an underlying motivation that forced me to just go for it and to learn game. It was the same drive that forced me to ask Bam Bam out.

And what was that driver of action?

My dick.

Tactics Tuesdays: Be Busy When with Women

Chase Amante's picture
busy with women
Busyness can be very attractive to women. But to make it so, you need two things: flirtation and instruction.

Women like busy men. They find them attractive. This is because women like capable men, and busyness implies capability. If you're busy, you must have it going on.

You can't fake busy. Or if you try to, it won't come off well. There's too much nuance to being truly busy to effectively fake it.

However, if you actually are busy, there's a right and a wrong way to use your busyness with women. Use it the wrong way, and women will assume you aren't interested. Use it right, and you can up your attractiveness while making women invest more in you (and commit to the courtship).

Texting Girls vs. Talking to Girls (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

This is one of the BIGGEST weaknesses for most guys.

Over and over and over again I get screenshots from guys who text like absolute idiots.

And it makes sense, because texting is COMPLETELY different from talking to women in real life.

The rules change with text game because you're unable to use many of the tools you have when talking with a woman face to face.

So how must you do things differently to be successful with texting?


How to Stop Sucking and Become a Better Man

Tony Depp's picture

becoming a better man
Do you suck? Probably. Is there a way to not suck? Absolutely! These 5 steps will put you on the road to becoming a better man and sucking way less.

How to become a better man. It’s a question very few of us ask, and why would we?

What is a “man,” anyway? What is “better?” Better than what? Because if we don’t define this, then why would we improve upon it?


What Does “Better” Mean?

Can a tree become a better tree? Yes – if it grows, it develops flowers, nuts, and fruit, which feed life. Can gold become better gold? If it’s polished, it can be more beautiful; if it’s shaped, more useful (though the latter is subjective, since gold is only useful for people).

So to become a better man, you must grow and improve: physically, spiritually, socially, intellectually, so you may be more beautiful and useful.

Why? Because the stronger, smarter, and more powerful we are – the happier we are. We’re happiest when we’re growing, improving, and useful. If you’re depressed, sad, or angry, then you’re definitely not “better,” since this is a degradation in state (maybe unless you’re in a goth grind-core band).

Bonus: the better you are, the hotter the women you’ll attract.

How to Talk Dirty to a Girl Without Being Awkward (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Dirty talk is ESSENTIAL for a good time in bed. It’s not optional. It’s MANDATORY.

You arouse a woman’s mind as much as you arouse her pussy.

But if you do it wrong, it can seem a bit cringe worthy. I totally understand.

However, you can get away with a lot in the bedroom that doesn’t work in real life.


So become a SAVAGE.

And I’ll teach you how to do it without being cringe worthy.

14 Best-Ever Self-Help Books to Help You Grow as a Person

Tony Depp's picture

self-help books
The answers to life’s questions are found in the best self-help books. Want your brain to work better all-around? Want to be more interesting? Start with these.

It’s time for a list of my favorite and best self-help books for men. Because when’s the last time you read a book?

The average American reads 2.5 books per year, and 25% don’t read any. So if you’re like me and read 20 or more books a year, you’re basically a genius-level Renaissance man.

When people ask what I attribute my success to (with women and life), I tell them “BOOKS.”

Books taught me how to think, talk, and pay my way around the world. If I had a choice between a lifetime of books or easy sex – I’d choose books.

“I don’t know, Tony. I get tired when I read. I fall asleep. I prefer podcasts and audiobooks.”

I hear that a lot; men get “tired” when reading. It’s because their brains are flabby. Reading a proper book is like the fat, lazy dude going to the gym, pushing weights for five minutes then going home to “rest” because he’s “tired.”

There’s an intellectual joy from reading long-form books. I just don’t get the same feeling from audiobooks, podcasts, or YouTube. There’s nothing wrong with those mediums; they’re great, too. But something magical happens to your brain when you read books (click here for science).

You can also read at your own speed to ensure comprehension and retention.

For guys who love to read but only read non-fiction, studies have shown fiction helps with intellect, empathy, and imagination. So reading fiction will help with your game, too, as fiction lets you see (imagine) from another’s perspective.

This list of books is subjective, by the way. They’re not really the best self-help books ever. After all, there’s no such thing, really, as it depends on what you're looking to help yourself with.

How to Cuddle with a Girl (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

After you've thoroughly violated your little sex kitten, why not give her a cuddle? Cuddling creates a bond, makes her feel safe and desired, and so much more.

Let's go over some great cuddling positions and why they're ideal for general chillin' and post-coital relaxation.

9 Ways to Make the Missionary Position Explosively Good

Tony Depp's picture

missionary sex position
The missionary position has a reputation of being ‘boring’ when in fact it's the most ‘intimate’ sex position there is. To make it explosively orgasmic, use these tips.

Ah, the missionary position. The granddaddy of all bangin’ styles. Old Betsy, the reliable.

It doesn’t get the fame and love of other positions like doggy style, 69, the fire hydrant, or the twin dragon meets rabid butterfly technique (banned in the UK).

It may seem vanilla at first glance, just laying on top of a girl and thrusting – boooooring!

But I assure you, there are many ways to make missionary style mindblowing for both you and your partner.

How to Kiss a Girl Like a Boss (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

How to kiss a girl properly?

This is one of the most important skills you will ever learn. Ever.

A kiss will tell a girl EVERYTHING about you. Your desire for her. Your connection with her. And whether you have ever done this before.

It can completely sell her on you. Or it can make her want a refund.

That’s why I’m here. To make sure that when you do kiss that girl you like, she’ll need a fresh pair of panties (and want to take them off ASAP so she can get more of you... and by that I mean, your dick).

Let’s get to it.