Articles by Author: Daniel Adebayo | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Daniel Adebayo

3 Pivotal Tips for Learning Game as a Young Man

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learning game as a young man
Hindsight is perfect. If you’re a young man yearning for a life full of hot chicks, here are 3 tips we older guys wish we implemented at your age.

So, I celebrated my 20th birthday a few months ago, and right now, I’m just a couple months away from entering my fifth year as a seducer. It’s been quite a journey since that day back in my mid-teens, when a high school friend of mine put me onto Neil Strauss’ book, The Game.

That night, as I stayed up until morning reading, my eyes opened to the wonderful world of seduction. It was like a portal to something new and immersive had been revealed to me. This discovery was the first step, ultimately leading to me becoming a part of the seduction community. I’d easily say that it was one of the pivotal moments in my life.

As you might have guessed from the title of today’s article, this one’s going to be for our young readership here on Girls Chase; the teenagers, high-schoolers, and college freshmen who are just getting into this world of seduction or have already started their journey on this path.

Now, I must say that when I first started learning about seduction, I wasn’t quite sure what to think.

Most of the seducers were skilled guys, posting lay reports on forums for the newcomers who were reading the articles and asking questions hoping to learn some of the skills involved to try and get a girlfriend. The majority of the seduction masters tasked with the challenge of teaching all these newcomers and helping them grow were several years older than me.

You see, capable seducers who had started their journey back in their teenage years were rare, so the already-difficult path of becoming skilled looked even more difficult because there weren’t a lot of reference points for young seducers like myself to draw from. On top of that, it seemed like there just wasn’t a lot of advice out there targeted specifically for young men.

So, in this article, I’m going to talk about certain aspects of learning seduction as a young man and, more importantly, give the advice I wish I could have gotten back when I put my boots on the ground for the first time at the age of 15. Let’s get right into it.

Tactics Tuesdays: Build Rapport and Trust with Contrasting and Listing

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contrasting and listing
You can throw a seduction into overdrive by building rapport and trust with your girl. To quickly build rapport and trust, use contrasting and listing.

Rapport is something I’ve touched on before. It’s that nice, warm feeling you get just by being around a close friend you share some commonalities with, or a workplace colleague you’d trust enough to share the more personal aspects of your life. It comes from being understood by another person, someone who can communicate with you in just the right way, the way you like.

Charismatic seducers – confident and attractive men who ooze warmth – tend to build immense amounts of rapport at breakneck speed with the women they meet and seduce. They know how to talk to girls in a way that makes them feel understood quickly, and with great communication skills, the rapport builds faster and deeper, until she starts feeling like she can trust them.

These men will meet attractive women via day game, night game, social circles, or pretty much any room they step into. They’ll be able to turn a causal, five-minute chat into a deep, fascinating baring of souls, an intimate conversation that can stretch out over long periods. They will often end up back at his or her place, getting even more intimate – this time in the physical sense.

As I mentioned in my previous article on rapport, the more rapport you can build, the more she will feel like she can trust you. Trust and rapport are directly correlated with one another.

The women I meet often tell me some of their deep, dark secrets and remark that they’re surprised they’re telling me this… before going ahead and telling me anyway.

I’ve had women share their sexual fantasies, as well as intimate thoughts and experiences they’ve had, things they aren’t even comfortable sharing with some of their female friends, most of the men they meet, and even their boyfriends. These are women I have met via cold approach. I made them trust me, and you can learn how to do it, too!

It’s a great ability to have. Think about it – if a woman you cold approach trusts you enough to share some deep, personal aspects of her life with you, she’s obviously going to trust you enough to give you her phone number. She'll trust you enough to meet up later for a date, and she’s not going to feel weird about going back to your place.

In my previous article, I shared some tips and techniques you can use to start building rapport in your day-game conversations with women. Think of that article as a primer. If you haven’t read it already, I’d recommend taking some time to go over it before continuing.

In this article, I’ll be sharing even more techniques you can use in day game or pretty much anywhere you might find an attractive woman worth talking to.

How to Smoothly Reframe Her Objections for a Better Date

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reframing her objections
Getting past a woman’s objections to sexual escalation can be as easy as showing you understand her perspective... then reframing it into something better.

Yes, it’s possible.

In this game we call seduction, it is possible to reframe, out-frame, and smoothly redirect objections in most of the situations or scenarios we find ourselves in, to better serve our purposes as seducers.

Now, before we get into the meat of this article, let’s have a look at what reframing is and point out some common situations and examples where reframing will come in handy, as well as the mindset you need to be in to use this skill properly. Once we’ve covered these necessary primers, we can get into the nuts and bolts of how to reframe objections to your advantage.

The specifics of this technique are fairly advanced, but intermediate seducers and even motivated beginners will learn a few things from this article. However, especially when it comes to the points on the right mindset for handling roadblocks and smoothly reframing objections, I would recommend coming back and re-reading this article later on in your journey.

Once you’ve handled your fundamentals and gained more experience with meeting and bedding women, you’ll be in a position to get the most benefit from this article.

A Golden Question for Building Rapport in Day Game

Daniel Adebayo's picture

day game rapport
Rapport is a powerful tool to rapidly gain trust, intimacy, and compliance in girls you’ve just met. One golden question is all you need to get things rolling.

In my previous article about day game, we covered some logistical aspects of the endeavor. In this installment, we’ll be looking at some simple, effective tools you can use to build rapport.

If you are a new Girls Chase reader, or inexperienced with day game or the seduction community, you might be wondering what rapport is, or why it’s important.

Luckily, rapport is something pretty much everyone has experienced in one form or another.

Rapport is the pleasurable feeling you get with the people you share a common ground or feel some form of connection with, and even trust to some extent. You will have had feelings of rapport with family members, people from work or school, and of course, your friends. It’s something you’re already familiar with, rather than some crazy, foreign concept.

In this article, we’re going to be focusing on how you can effectively build rapport with complete strangers – namely, the attractive women you meet via day game. Rapport is closely linked with trust. The more rapport you have with a girl, the more likely she’ll trust you, and the more likely you’ll end up getting her phone number, meeting her for a date, and being intimate with her.

By effectively building rapport with her, you’re increasing your chances of success in your interaction. Whether that involves getting a solid phone number or even taking her home for a same-day pull, rapport is something that will help you accomplish either – or preferably, both!

How to Use Fractionation to Mesmerize Her

Daniel Adebayo's picture

fractionation mesmerize herThe topic I’ll be covering today is one of my favorite concepts in seduction: fractionation.

It’s been covered on Girls Chase before, and for good reason – it is a powerful, versatile, multi-layered tool that will serve as a great asset to the skill set of any seducer.

Fractionation is also mildly confusing as a concept. It may not be immediately understandable for some readers who aren’t that experienced as seducers just yet, which is precisely why it merits another article – to make absolutely sure you understand just what you can accomplish with fractionation.

Additionally, I’ll also touch on a nuanced aspect of this tool that could be valuable to the readers who’ve already become certified lady killers.

How to Minimize the Luck Factor in Your Seductions

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seduction luck
Luck will always play a role in the women you meet and how things go with them. Yet you can minimize the role luck plays, and tilt the odds your way, with a few simple tweaks.

We’re all familiar with the concept of luck.

It’s a notion with deep roots in a variety of cultures all around the world, as well as an assortment of fields ranging from business to sports, to strategy games, and other branches of knowledge.

But what about seduction – how does luck factor in? That’s the topic of today’s article.

It’s a valid question. After all, to the average guy (who probably doesn’t read Girls Chase), the very act of getting laid with a new woman is dubbed “getting lucky”. This paradigm is a large part of Western culture and has been for a long time. But what about seducers like you and me? Men who spend time and effort working on their girl-getting skills? How much does luck factor in for us?

Now, it isn’t really all that straightforward, but if you stick around to read today’s article, you’ll have a concrete answer to this question.

We’ll cover the main differences between the average guy and the seducer. How much does luck count for both, and what are the varying degrees among seducers? How might one be more reliant on luck than the other? And we’ll address a bunch of other important aspects on this topic, too.

The 3 Schools of Seduction (and the Differences Between Each)

Daniel Adebayo's picture

seduction schools
The way men practice (and teach) seduction can be split into three (3) distinct camps: the trio of screening, natural, and control game.

When I first discovered the existence of the pickup community and had my eyes opened to the objective truth that getting good with women was a skill – a skill that can be learned, improved upon, and of course, mastered – I was ecstatic, but I quickly became overwhelmed.

You see, it was quite easy to get overwhelmed, because like every student of the game who discovers this community, I immediately came face to face with the overwhelming quantity of dating advice, dogmas, and methods that had been complied by so many seducers over the years.

And what made things particularly confusing back then was that a lot of the advice and manuals on how to get good with girls seemed to be at odds with material from other sources. It wasn’t uncommon for me to hear a group of seducers swear by one way of doing things (“always use the 3-second rule and strike up a conversation within three seconds of laying eyes on a girl”), then I’d find another group of seducers whose guidebooks sounded like they were in direct opposition to the ideas of the previous group (“scout your targets and position yourself well before you start a conversation”).

Luckily, as I spent more time in the community trying out different forms of advice, improving my own skills with women, as well as having enlightening conversations with several different seducers and partaking in a number of seduction road trips where I’d journey out of town to meet up with other seducers so I could observe and seduce women side by side with them, I was able to learn a thing or two.

One of the things I learned – the topic of today’s article – was that each and every one of the guides (or seduction manuals, if you will) can be grouped into 3 classes. Meaning that when you hear one seducer advise one thing, and another seducer advise something completely different, it does not necessarily mean that one is right and the other is wrong.

Instead, it most likely means that two groups of seducers who seem to be in disagreement with each other are in fact following separate seduction manuals – each of which are legit.

As you’ll find out later in this article, certain classes do have conflicting ideas concerning the best way to seduce women. However, this knowledge of the 3 classes really helps to clear up a lot of the confusion that might arise when everyone seems to be contradicting each other. It’s not a matter of which seducer is right or wrong, especially if both seducers are having success with women; rather, it’s which class each seducer is operating under.

What’s more is... once you are aware of these 3 rough categories, you can weigh their pros and cons, the goals of seducers whose methods fall under each category, and what your dating life could look like should you decide to follow the path outlined by each class – allowing you to move forward on your journey as a seducer with a lot more clarity.

Let’s have a look at the 3 classes.

3 Simple Tips to Make Your Approaches Powerful

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approach tips
Hold your eye contact, don’t approach head-on, and let her see you first: 3 quick, simple, important elements of every good approach.

I’d like to say a few words about approaching women (the very first segment of the seduction process). There’s an abundance of technicalities that concern what needs to be done in the latter parts of the process, but it’s also very important to discuss the specifics of the approach.

Because the way you approach her sets the tone for the entire seduction.

That’s right, approaching her in a sloppy and uncalibrated manner will result in you setting a bad precedent for the entire seduction – something you will probably have to fight uphill and recover from as things progress. And who wants to be doing that when they could instead be delivering the juice to a much more receptive girl?

Therefore, it’s safe to assume that if you approach her correctly, you’ll be taking a necessary first step to ensure that the remainder of the seduction proceeds smoothly.

So here are three (3) tips that will help you avoid some very common slip-ups and get things going in the smoothest way possible.

How to Take Multiple Girls Home with a Wingman

Daniel Adebayo's picture

take multiple girls home
It’s the end of the night, and you and your buddy need to get multiple girls to come home with you. Here’s how to do it – and make something happen once you do.

Picture this.

You’re out meeting women with a wingman or a good friend of yours, and let’s say it’s one of those nights where the stars align and things seem to be working out perfectly. The both of you end up talking to a couple girls who are into you guys. You’re all sitting together at a table, flirting and engaging in deep conversation. Or maybe you’re at a party with a group of your buddies and you end up connecting with a group of girls.

But unfortunately, nothing comes of these interactions because nobody could figure out how to move things forward so that you get – or better yet, everyone in the group gets – laid that night. Maybe you’re quite comfortable in one-on-one interactions, but group scenarios like these are a bit more challenging. After all, how are you supposed to pull when multiple girls are involved? Alek wrote a piece on the notorious 2-set, but there are even more ways to get laid when dealing with multiple girls!

In this article, we’re going to ensure that from this point on, you’ll know exactly how to move the seduction forward when there are multiple girls involved. In fact, this article will teach you a way to take them ALL home with you.

When Dates or Pickups Go Awry, the 3-Legged Chair Is Your Guide to Why

Daniel Adebayo's picture

date awry
Just because you hit it off with a girl doesn’t mean it’ll stay good. When your interactions fall apart, use the 3-legged chair to figure out why.

You’re talking to a girl, it’s going great, she seems into you, all the signs are pointing to you two getting more intimate later on. She’s contributing to the conversation, flirting with you, maybe even touching you here and there. Then all of a sudden, seemingly out of nowhere, her mood changes; she goes from quite hot for you – or even very hot – to stone cold for what seems like absolutely no reason. Ever been in that situation? I think we all have.

When you’re starting out in seduction, this’ll happen a lot (mainly because you failed to do something obvious), but as you become more experienced with women, even if you consider yourself a pretty skilled seducer, you’ll find that this still happens every now and then.

Things were going great, and now they just aren’t. What’s worse is that you’ll think you did everything correctly, and it won’t seem to you like there were any obvious mistakes in your process. In fact, you might have even had the exact same interaction with a different girl a couple weeks ago and the two of you ended up going back to your place for a nightcap. It just doesn’t make any sense.

Maybe you just write it off completely. “Can’t win them all” as the saying goes, and then you forget about that weird interaction with that weird chick who suddenly went um… weird.

You forget about it completely – until it happens again.

Now, what if I told you there are actual, identifiable reasons why the seduction suddenly took a sour turn?

What if I told you there are ways for you to spot these curveballs coming from a mile away and prevent them from happening, or that there are even micro calibrations you can make to get the interaction back on the right track?

I’m willing to bet your first response would be: “Okay, could you share this information, please?”

Well, I’m glad you asked. Because that’s what we’re going to cover in this article.