Pickup | Page 44 | Girls Chase


Meeting and attracting members of the opposite sex.

A Golden Question for Building Rapport in Day Game

Daniel Adebayo's picture

day game rapport
Rapport is a powerful tool to rapidly gain trust, intimacy, and compliance in girls you’ve just met. One golden question is all you need to get things rolling.

In my previous article about day game, we covered some logistical aspects of the endeavor. In this installment, we’ll be looking at some simple, effective tools you can use to build rapport.

If you are a new Girls Chase reader, or inexperienced with day game or the seduction community, you might be wondering what rapport is, or why it’s important.

Luckily, rapport is something pretty much everyone has experienced in one form or another.

Rapport is the pleasurable feeling you get with the people you share a common ground or feel some form of connection with, and even trust to some extent. You will have had feelings of rapport with family members, people from work or school, and of course, your friends. It’s something you’re already familiar with, rather than some crazy, foreign concept.

In this article, we’re going to be focusing on how you can effectively build rapport with complete strangers – namely, the attractive women you meet via day game. Rapport is closely linked with trust. The more rapport you have with a girl, the more likely she’ll trust you, and the more likely you’ll end up getting her phone number, meeting her for a date, and being intimate with her.

By effectively building rapport with her, you’re increasing your chances of success in your interaction. Whether that involves getting a solid phone number or even taking her home for a same-day pull, rapport is something that will help you accomplish either – or preferably, both!

How to Hook Girls In, Pt.8: Other Factors of Success

Alek Rolstad's picture

Now that we’ve covered the main ingredients of hooking girls in, let’s explore some behind-the-scenes factors that can make or break your success.

Hey, guys. Welcome back. Last week, I went into the finer details of hooking. Today, I will discuss additional factors that are worth keeping in mind during the hook phase.

This post compiles all the little bits and pieces that didn’t make their own individual post. But don’t be fooled – these concepts and techniques only just now being mentioned doesn’t mean they aren’t relevant, or less relevant than any of the other points made in previous posts.

I simply didn’t see the purpose of making individual posts about these subjects. I may do so in the future – if you’re interested, let me know in the comments section. Also, some of the concepts like social proof have already been discussed in depth, so I won’t repeat myself. Let’s get on with it.

These are factors that will make hooking easier. You’re probably already aware of some of them, but for the sake of context, it is key to mention them. If you’re not familiar with these concepts, feel free to read up on them, as they are all covered on Girls Chase.

For Getting Girls, What You 'Cost' a Woman Is Vital

Chase Amante's picture

what you cost to date
Once you’ve made yourself an attractive man women want, the battle is half won. The next step: finding ways to lower your cost, to make it easy for women who want you.

Most of what men focus on when they think about doing better with women is what they have to offer women. They think about how they can sell themselves to women; what women have to gain from them. Their value. Being impressive, taking women on fun dates, getting muscular, showing off their successes, having cool stories to tell – all these are ways to better display what you have to offer to a woman.

Much of what we focus on on the attraction side for men at Girls Chase focuses on bolstering what you have to offer, too. With better fundamentals you become a man women are more and more interested in. And with better game you make it easier and easier to showcase your attractive sides and find ways to get girls to go come with you.

Yet there’s another side of the equation to any value offering. It is not just how valuable something is, but also what its costs are.

That’s ‘costs’ plural, because there are always multiple costs to anything you acquire or add to your life. Costs like:

  • Time: how much time does it take to get this thing?

  • Money: do you need to spend money to get it? If so, how much?

  • Image: are there costs to your image if you acquire this thing?

  • Motivation: do you have to exert willpower or fight inertia to get this thing?

  • Opportunity: by choosing this option, do you give up something else?

... and more.

When it comes to dating and seduction, every woman you meet faces these and other costs when she considers you.

Tactics Tuesdays: Imagine Games

Chase Amante's picture

imagine game
Fun personality games you can use with women you talk to, ‘imagine games’ increase a girl’s immersion and connection – when you use them right.

There’s a class of game or gambit we can call ‘imagine games’. An imagine game is when you ask a girl to imagine something, like that she is wealthy or can travel anywhere she wants to. You then spin her answer into a cold read, which escalates the courtship forward and makes her feel like you know her very well (thus establishing some similarity).

Imagine games are similar to, but different from, other games I’ve talked about on Girls Chase before, like:

These sorts of games (imagine games, and the games above) have the added advantage of creating a bubble with a girl, where she zeroes in on you and becomes intensely focused on you, and the outside world drops away, immersing her.

(the downside of this much immersion, this fast, is that it’s difficult to sustain for long, and if you don’t bring her out of it on your own terms, the spell breaks. So, just make sure you bring her back up to the surface on your own so she feels you’re in control and it never gets awkward – you can always re-immerse her later on)

We’re going to take a quick look at ‘imagine games’ – how they work, wrong ways to use them, and right ways to use them – below.

How to Hook Girls In, Pt.7: Locked-In Positioning

Alek Rolstad's picture

lock in positioning
How do you get in the ideal position to lock yourself in with a group of girls? Our resident night-game expert shares his strategies – with diagrams!

Hey, guys! Welcome back. So this is my final addition to the locking-in part of this series. Today, we will get straight to the point and discuss the aspect of positioning within the larger concept of “locking in”. Previous posts applied to most types of pickup, including day game (I even added some examples in my previous post). However, this one is dedicated primarily to night game.

I recommend that you read the other posts before this one. I won’t repeat myself too much here. The fundamentals were covered previously, so I won’t go into them in much detail now. You must be familiar with what locking in is and why it’s useful before proceeding with this post.

Quickly explained, “locking in” is part of the hook phase. The idea is to make it seem to the outside world and the girls you are interacting with that you have been accepted into their group.

There are two ways this can happen – one is to build compliance and become accepted as a natural progression. The issue here is that it can take some time, and occasionally, you may not become locked in even with high compliance with your girls, simply because women are passive and may not invite you in, even if they really like you.

That’s why we use locking in: to speed up and control the process. We want as much control as possible. The way this works is that by positioning ourselves or creating a scenario that sub-communicates that we are part of the group, we will make the girls (and dudes) backward-rationalize into accepting us being there (i.e., “This guy is positioned in a way that communicates that we’ve accepted his presence – that must mean we accept him!”).

Today, we will discuss how positioning can affect this. We will get practical later, but before we start, let’s discuss some of the real basics regarding positioning.

How to Hook Girls In, Pt.6: Lock-In Props and Moving Your Girl

Alek Rolstad's picture

lock in and move
Rapport plays a big role when getting locked in. Here are some tools to make a girl you just met feel she’s known you for much longer.

Hey, and welcome back!

So, previously we discussed the theoretical background behind “locking in” – the end of the hook phase – and creating a scenario where you can claim to be part of the interaction, if not part of the group altogether.

It doesn’t matter if you stand there talking to a group of chicks for 30 minutes. If you never get locked in – either by deliberately locking yourself in or being locked in by the girls themselves – you will most likely get nowhere.

In some cases, as mentioned previously, you may approach a group, deliver your game super-smoothly, and hit a high note, generating compliance that would lead the girls to invite you further into the interaction.

Sadly, as we discussed previously, this tends to be the exception rather than the rule. In most cases, girls won’t naturally invite you in, despite liking you a lot. The reason for this is because you are the guy – the active one in charge of making things happen. Women tend to be more passive, so they are less likely to make a move to escalate the interaction further.

Therefore, I wrote this post about the concept, originally crafted by the community godfather “Mystery” back in the 2000s. Many are familiar with the Mystery Method, yet very few seem to discuss this crucial aspect of it. Locking in is key. Period.

Tactics Tuesdays: 5 Mid-Pull Tips for Multiple Girls with a Wing

Chase Amante's picture

pull girls with a wingman
You and your wingman want to pull a couple of girls back home. Use these 5 tips to make sure the pull goes smooth and the girls come along.

Today’s Tactics Tuesdays is an assortment of five (5) little tactics to mind when you pull a couple girls with a wingman. These hold true whether it’s you and a buddy and you’ve pulled two girls together, or you and a buddy pull three girls, or you and three buddies pull two or three girls, or you and a buddy or buddies pull a group of guys and girls... all these tips hold regardless.

Before we begin, you may want to check Daniel’s article out, which is about inviting multiple girls home to after-parties. Though not required reading, this is generally the easiest way to invite multiple girls home at night (whom you meet in bars and clubs, or via nighttime street game) – just invite them to an after-party.

We won’t talk about the specifics of how to invite girls home in this article. You can learn more about those subjects in these articles:

This article focuses on the transition itself, mid-pull. You’ve gotten a few girls to agree to go somewhere private with you and a friend or two... now how do you keep things smooth and make sure your gals don’t decide to ditch?

How to Hook Girls In, Pt.5: Intro to Locking In

Alek Rolstad's picture

locking in
Locking in is an effective way to build rapport and come across as high value, all while continuing to hook and attract.

Hey, and welcome back. Today, we will again talk about a subject I know a lot of guys struggle with – namely, hooking. Many aspiring seducers struggle with this phase, and for good reason. Not only does it require an element of performance, the results also rely a lot on your state. Additionally, you have little room for mistakes – you must do things right.

I know the advice I write is primarily dedicated to night game. However, most of the concepts can be tweaked to be used in day game scenarios, too. The same goes for this post – I will try to give both day and night game examples.

Now, besides the opener and pre-opener, which obviously come first, all other advice shared here can be used in no particular order. Initially, I wanted to write about group theory today (and I will do so very soon), but I felt the urge to write about a rather simple to grasp yet key concept that is often overlooked. That concept is called “locking in”.

The reason I wanted to write about this subject first is that our readership is prone to the bias that, in a series like this, the order in which articles are posted reflects a linear process.

So, if I were to post about group theory today and “locking in” next week, the reader may assume that locking in comes after having dealt with a group. The truth is, group theory is applicable whenever it’s needed, while “locking in” should happen as fast as possible.

When Girls Think You're a Player (Then Shut You Down)

Chase Amante's picture

girl thinks you're a player
If a girl thinks you’re a player, it can be a pretty uphill battle with her after that. Here’s why she thinks you’re a player – plus how to remove the ‘tells’.

I counseled a friend recently who's struggled with women for sometime. He's a bit of a 'hard case' - a guy who's been in the game a long time, is friends with many very skilled seducers, and is highly skilled at the early part of approaching and meeting women, and even good at getting girls back to his place... but he has lots and lots of trouble sealing the deal with women. After the first kiss at his place, they invariably leave.

Guys like this can be tough to work with, because things that work for almost everyone else stubbornly don't for them. And you run into the issue of the guy not knowing exactly what's wrong himself, and it being hard to diagnose if you don't spend a lot of time with him in-person.

However, one clue recently was his report on a date that didn't pan out. Early on into the date, the girl closed off a bit and made remarks such as "How fast do you usually have sex with the women you have sex with?" and "I'm someone who doesn't just hop in bed right away." This, mind you, was not when he was trying to take her home, or touching her, or hitting on her - this was early into the date, when they'd just arrived at the date location and just began to talk.

This friend gets comments like from other women too; sometimes on dates, sometimes back at his place.

And while it is common to get girls telling you things like "This is too fast for me" or "Do you always move this fast with girls?" once you're back at your place with them, peeling their clothes off, the farther removed you get from that while still receiving these comments, the more of a problem you know you have.

In this case, the problem is the 'player vibe problem'. The problem is she feels like you are a heartless player, and she is only the latest slab of meat to cross your path.

Obviously, for successful seduction purposes, this is one perception you'd like to dispel.

Tactics Tuesdays: Questioning Other Males' Masculinity

Chase Amante's picture

undermine masculinity
One highly effective way to eliminate social and sexual competitors: undermine their masculinity. Yet as powerful as this tactic is, you must use it carefully…

Very slightly dark side tech here, but I’m giving it to you purely for defensive purposes.

In some situations, you will discover there is a need to defend yourself against competitor males. There are a variety of defensive measures at your disposal to deflect or declaw your social competitors, including many we’ve discussed before:

Right now I’m going to give you one I’ve always liked personally (but try not to use on Girls Chase... because it’s kind of mean), which is to undermine competitor males’ masculinity.

Now, to pull this off, you have to be reasonably masculine. You don’t have to be a hulking brute who chomps cigars for breakfast. You just need to be a little above average on the masculinity scale. Even if you’re a sensitive man high in verbal intelligence and empathy, it is not hard to up your masculinity to where you’re a bit above average. Focus on being cool, being an asshole, and being dominant, and you’re already at least in the top 15% manliest men.

So long as you’re masculine enough for it not to seem like the pot calling the kettle black when you accuse other men of unmanliness, this tactic works like gangbusters.

You’ll use it for two things:

  1. To directly demoralize social competitors, to their faces
  2. To influence the opinions of women and others against your social competitors

Let’s have a look.