Calls & Texts  Texting- The Keylock Sequence


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012

Has anyone heard about the Keylock Sequence from Bobby Rio and Rob Judge? I was wondering if anyone has checked it out, it is actually a product I bought so I was wondering if I could still explain it? It seems to be pretty useful, theoretically.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
There's really no such thing as 'texting game'. There's also really no such thing as game... you can't win it. You've already lost if you're trying to win a girl over. Just ask when/if she's free and leave it at that.

That being said I haven't read it but I don't plan on buying / reading (I will if I get my hands on it for free).


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Hey Jeet,

Jeet02 said:
I was wondering if anyone has checked it out, it is actually a product I bought so I was wondering if I could still explain it? It seems to be pretty useful, theoretically.

I haven't heard of it, but if you thought there were some solid takeaways from it, sure, you're welcome to share things here you've tried from there that have worked for you.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Hey guys,

Alright. I have tried it and it worked twice with me so far. Probably have tried it like 3 times, so definitely good numbers...

First of all, what they explain is something that I really didn't think about before and it is probably something you know about already Chase, and that is that women make decisions based on emotions and not logically like we do (most of the time). Basically what this means is that you have to try and spark emotions (good ones obviously) when you are texting a girl. Which thinking about it, is the main idea behind your online dating example, Chase.

With that said, another important thing, and I am not sure if you have mentioned this Chase, they say is that you shouldn't get to know a girl through texts. You should only use texts for one thing and one thing only: getting her out. That's it. Or else you will risk becoming a texting buddy.

Now, the Keylock Sequence is a three step process: Stage 1: Spark an emotion (start with a funny text, so you get her in a good mood). Stage 2: make a connection (talk about something personal, hopefully between the two of you). Stage 3: Pull the trigger (ask her out). And that's it. Every text should be to accomplish something, and specifically and most importantly, to try and move you forward from one stage to the other. The idea is to send the least amount of texts possible to get her out.

For what it is worth, to me it worked the most with a girl I was always inviting out but she never wanted to. I pulled the Keylock sequence and she finally agreed to go out (although we never could cause at the end I couldn't....but I finally got her to agree).

Hope that helps a little!



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Hey Jeet,

Jeet02 said:
First of all, what they explain is something that I really didn't think about before and it is probably something you know about already Chase, and that is that women make decisions based on emotions and not logically like we do (most of the time).

Yes, absolutely. Men also make decisions based on emotions, but their emotions are less "on alert" them women's are and therefore they get pulled in fewer directions. Women are in a weaker position than men in dating and relationships and need to be more highly attuned to what's happening with the men around them, so they're constantly tuned in and checking for signs of danger (guy starts acting weak, needy, creepy, etc., even if they've known him for years or have been married to him for a half decade).

The rest of what you quoted on the "Keylock Sequence" here is pretty similar to the method I follow on texting too (minimilast texting, be intriguing and coy, use texting primarily as a logistics advice to schedule the date and get her out in person).

Basically, don't sell her over the phone - get her in person, and sell her there.

Great to hear it's working out for you - most guys make texting and setting up dates a lot more complicated than it needs to be. I know I sure did for a long time. Keep paring down your texting, and you'll find it consistently gets you results.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Hey Chase,

I can tell you I was definitely doing it for a while myself, making texting more complicated than it needed to be. Now, I just try to narrow it down to "lets go out" and then the conversation is over. Seems to be the best way to go. At least from what I have seen.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 9, 2012
Chicago, IL
I have heard about the Key-Lock-Sequence before but I have not purchased it. Can you put up a few examples of text dialogue using this sequence? I was very interested in it because texting and online communication is my worst attribute. I would love to see how this is actually put to use. Thanks!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
It is decent. I have definitely learned quite a few things that I just didn't know or hadn't heard about. So it really helps one way or the other. What you need to always keep in mind when sending a text is "how is this going to help me get her out on a date?" thats the main thing. As far as an example, here is something.

This is a girl I had been trying to get out for a WHILE but she always had some excuse. The latest one was that she had abdominal pain. So I left her alone for a few weeks and this happened (changed her name):

Me: Hey Lisa! How is your abdominal pain? Feeling better?
Lisa: Much better but been crazy at work and with my vaca.
Me: When you taking vaca?
Lisa: I already did lol
Me: Oh hahaha oops! Did anything special?
Lisa: Yep snowboarding
Me: In Florida?! Haha where did you go?
Lisa: No New Hampshire
Me: Nice. Now here is a very important many times did you fall on your butt? :p
Lisa: Twice lol once because I got hit and the second time I fucked up a jump
Me: haha thats not bad at all. In other news, lets grab some drinks tonight. What do you say? ;]
Lisa: I work every night until Tuesday :(
Me: So next Tuesday you are free? Or next Wednesday?
Lisa: Tuesday I'm sure
Me: I will see you on Tuesday then? ;]
Lisa: I hope so lol
Me: Sounds like a plan. I hope you have fun at work meanwhile!
Lisa: I doubt I will but thanks! :)

And I left it there. I still have a bad habit of asking a lot of questions, but that didn't turn out too bad. She finally accepted to go out. AS you can see I made a connection with her first and sparked a few emotions before I pulled the trigger to ask her out. This is vital and pretty critical. Had I started with just asking her out from the very beginning, chances are she would've said no or wouldn't have even answered!

Hope that helps! Any questions, feel free to ask!



Sep 10, 2014
Hi Jeet (or anyone reading),

The Keylock Sequence is intriguing.

A question, which doesn't seem explained with it - in sending three texts (one of each type), how soon should each text follow the other? All three in one day? Two? Just one? How much time between to break up each? How often to repeat if with the same person?

I have a situation that seems to have gone cold, though I believe is salvagable. I came up with two texts that I hope can work well together, and aren't sure if they should be sent on the same day? Also, how soon for the third, once I get something that feels right?



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Southern California

When to text a girl shouldn't really be paced relative to when you texted her last. Instead, it should be paced based on her response times and when you've scheduled your meet-ups. If a girl takes longer to respond, then you take EVEN longer to respond. If a girl take a short amount of time to respond, then you should take at LEAST a longer time to respond, but probably much longer recommended (meaning texting girls once every 4-6 hours seems to be a pretty good amount of time after she's already responded).

However, if a girl doesn't respond, you're best off giving her radio silence based on the amount of investment she's given you in return. If she's given you a lot of investment, then you can probably wait 24-48 hours to send a text. If she hasn't shown you much investment, then you can probably wait as long as week to try shooting her another text.

Anyway, point in case is that you should not be planning three to four texts in advance and when to send them.

- Franco


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Although I agree with Franco, I think with this sequence waiting 4-6 hours might be a lot, especially if you are texting them the same day you want to go out. I do agree, that you should take as long or longer than her. So if she took 30 mins to get back to you...just wait 40-42 mins... before replying. If the conversation is going well and she is responding pretty quickly, I don't think there is anything wrong with replying pretty quickly too. Specially if you are trying to do the key lock sequence to try and get her out.

Franco, do you disagree completely with this? Or no?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Southern California

Yeah, I mean there's definitely some leeway there. Finding the right amount of time to text women back is somewhat of an art form, but I think the most important thing to keep in mind is the precedent you set for your texting habits early on is what you'll most likely need to continue throughout the course of that relationship with that girl. So if you're just looking for a one-nighter, then you can pretty much throw precedent out the window for the most part since you don't plan on having a continuing relationship with the girl anyway.

However, if you plan on seeing this girl for awhile, how you text her at the start will most likely be what she'll expect out of you for the rest of her time with you... lest you get some drama from her about why you aren't suddenly texting her as much! So with this in mind, I think it's just good form to practice texting less so that you give yourself more freedom with women that you might want to enter casual or long-term relationships with. =)

- Franco


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012

Makes perfect sense. That's why you are the master sir!


Sep 10, 2014
Thank you both for your thoughtful advice. I'll refer back to it as needed.

I actually seemed to have made some progress/added a bit of spark last week. However, I seem to have hit a snag again, and I want to approach things right.

I sent Franco a PM for advice...


Feb 7, 2021

Has anyone heard about the Keylock Sequence from Bobby Rio and Rob Judge? I was wondering if anyone has checked it out, it is a product I bought so I was wondering if I could still explain it? It seems to be pretty useful, theoretically.
Hello Jeet this is john, I would like to know about those details, plz teach me. If it's ok plz share with me that guide