Observations  Studies i learn from Women from real life, history, culture. This might interest


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi Guys,

Here's what i found.

1)I noted that Women are not encouraged to go cemeteries. She cannot handle cognitive dissonance. This is what i learn from past culture.

2)Women who are raped tend to abstain or go sexual awakening because their mate selection changes. Rape was a life changing event. Also, it's an awakening. (Research from APA, American Psychology)

3)Women are smart. In fact, Chase also said having women around is one of the greatest things you learn. And yes, i know this for a fact.

4)Women are "stupid" as in lacking "central control". What do i mean by "control" is men have awareness, he can go logic and 3/4 emotional or he can go emotional and 3/4 logic. Women can't do that, and i see it. They can't do it. I see it in work place, i see it outside. They need that "pillar", as Chase article in "there's always a man in her life". Women can only go full blown sex or holy angel, but society made her in the middle. Thus you see passive aggression. Even feminism is a past pillar of men, an experience is the object or representation of that pillar.

5)I have friends where women have no father. The father ran away married another girl or was a bad person. The women is "distorted", as in emotional trust are harder to built, or she is open but resistant to relationships. Although i have one girl friend who is an air stewardess today who is psychologically healthy. Her father died rather than a bad experience. A case of an "outlier".

I feel that we, modern people should not abandon what our ancestors teach us. Why they suppress women, even if it's wrong. Why there were slaves, and why things were this and that.

It's amazing if we can learn from history. They also learn something. We should not fully abandoned the past, for it teaches something.
