Expert Mindsets | Girls Chase

Expert Mindsets

11 Mindsets and Mentalities Master Pick Up Artists Use (and 3 They Avoid)

Denton Fisher's picture

By: Denton Fisher

Jan 4, 2018

Successful pick up artists treat their outings very differently from how most men do. This includes mindsets on rejection, ‘the zone’, panning for gold, and more.

pickup artist mindset

The Problem with Gaming Girls You Don't Like

Hector Castillo's picture

By: Hector Castillo

Oct 29, 2017

It’s good practice to chat up girls you aren’t much into. But what happens when your ego gets involved? You mustn’t let girls you don’t want affect you.

girls you don't like

Don't Let a "Successful Identity" Stand in Your Way with Women

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Aug 6, 2017

Are you such a success you now find yourself hesitant to approach? If you want to meet more women, you’ll have to shed that ‘Big Deal’ image.

big deal to women

Dating Success is Probability, Not Cause and Effect

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Mar 30, 2017

If you think about success with women as cause and effect, you’ve got it all wrong. You must think in terms of probabilities.

cause vs. probability

Quit Ignoring Your Sexual Intuition

William Gupta's picture

By: William Gupta

Dec 2, 2015

Your sexual intuition tells you what to do with a woman, when. And there are two distinct flavors of it: instinctual intuition, and learned.

sexual intuition

Why Sucking with Women Might be Good for You

Darius Bright's picture

By: Darius Bright

Apr 18, 2015

You might not think it, but going through an “I suck with women” phase can actually be good for your future development (and outcomes).

suck with women

5 Beliefs of the Successful Player

Drexel Scott's picture

By: Drexel Scott

Nov 13, 2014

5 key mindsets of the successful player: women want sex more than relationships, context is more important than words, my feelings matter most, and more.

successful player

The Purpose of Advanced Techniques

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

Nov 7, 2014

Why would you want or need advanced seduction techniques? Alek explains the motivation behind wanting more than the mundane.

advanced techniques

She May be a Bitch to You… But She’s a Pussycat for Me

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Sep 14, 2014

The women most guys call “bitches” are nice to SOME men… but what’s so special about these men? And what’ve they got that you haven’t got?

cool bitch

Why Do We Label Women “Sluts”?

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Aug 8, 2014

What makes a slut? Is it a girl with 5, 10, or 20 partners? And why do so many men get so passionate about defining who is and isn’t one?

women sluts

The Top Mindsets of All Confident Men

Colt Williams's picture

By: Colt Williams

Jul 28, 2014

A confident man is an attractive man – but how does one become confident in the first place? “Faking it until you make it” isn’t exactly a game plan…

confident men

Satisficing and Seduction; or, Why You Probably Won't be a Bachelor Forever

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Mar 2, 2014

A reader wants to know if getting good with women means you enable yourself to escape the trap of needing to settle down – or, do you?

satisficing and seduction

Picking Up Girls and the Game of Asymmetric Returns

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Feb 19, 2014

Returns in the world of dating, sex, and relationships are asymmetric – only, the human mind isn’t programmed to deal with this.

asymmetric returns